

    毕业论文关键词  量化宽松货币政策  中国外贸出口   影响

    Title   The  impact  of  the   America’s   QE3  policy on  China's  exports                                                 

    Abstract To stimulate the economic recovery and employment growth, on September 13, 2012, the federal reserve to launch a third round of quantitative easing, or QE3 policy in the United States. Because of American dominance in the global economy, policy of QE3 is the immeasurable effect on the global economy. Based on the policy impact on the global economy as the background, through to the Chinese economy in the United States QE3 changes in policy analysis as a foundation, mainly study the QE3's impact on China's foreign trade export. Facing QE3 policy, in this paper, on the one hand, from the perspective of national monetary policy, fiscal policy and system is proposed to carry out the three measures, on the other hand, three measures are put forward from the Angle of enterprises, respectively, to actively avoid risk, optimizing the adjustment industrial structure and export markets.

    Keywords   Quantitative easing    China’s export industry    Impact 

    毕业论文外 文 摘 要

     目  次

    1  QE3简介 1

    1.1  QE3的主要内容和特点 1

    1.2  推出QE3的背景 1

    2  美国QE3计划对美国的利弊 2

       2.1 QE3有利于美国各个经济模块的复苏 2

       2.2  QE3存在的弊端及隐患 3

    3  QE3对中国外贸出口的影响 4

    3.1  对全球经济的影响 4

    3.2  对我国经济的影响 5

    3.3  对中国外贸出口的影响 6

         3.3.1  有利影响 7

         3.3.2  不利影响 9

    4  面对QE3我国不同主体应采取的对策 9

    4.1  国家发挥宏观调控采取积极的对策 10

         4.1.1政府采取积极的货币政策 11

         4.1.2政府采取积极的财政政策 11

         4.1.3政府推进有利外贸出口的政策 12

    4.2  国内外贸出口企业应对措施 13

    4.2.1 企业积极规避风险 13

    4.2.2 企业优化调整出口产业结构

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