

    毕业论文关键词:纺织服装出口;影响因素; 对策

    Research on the present situation and development trend of China's textile export

    Abstract: china's textile and garment industry is labor-intensive and has a clear comparative advantage which is one of traditional industry. But in recent years, under the pressure of the RMB appreciation, rising labor costs, international trade environmental degradation and continuously adjusted tax rebate rate, the textile and garment industry is full of difficulty. According to the competitive advantage theory and the profound analysis of various factors theory, we should take measures to eliminate the influence of various factors, to enhance China's textile and garment industry, we must increase investment in scientific research, establish independent brands, increase added value of textile and garment industry and make it develop healthily and sustainably.

    Key words: Textiles and garment exports; Factors; Countermeasures

    目 录

    引言 1

    1、研究背景与理论基础 2

    1.1研究背景 2

    1.2理论基础 3

    2、我国纺织品出口的现状分析 4

     2.1纺织品出口的规模 4

    2.1.1我国纺织品出口占全球纺织品贸易的比重 4

    2.1.2我国纺织品出口占全国出口总额的比重 4

    2.1.3纺织品出口额的增长速度 6

    2.2纺织品出口的种类 6

    2.3纺织品出口的主要市场 7

    3、我国纺织品出口贸易的主要影响因素 9

    3.1人民币升值带来的不利影响 9

    3.2国内外贸易环境的日趋恶化 9

    3.3成本上升削弱企业竞争优势 10

        3.3.1商务成本的上升 10

        3.3.2劳动成本的上升 11

    3.4国际竞争日趋激烈 12

    4、优化我国纺织品贸易出口的对策 14

       4.1针对人民币持续升值 14

       4.2针对贸易壁垒 15

       4.3针对劳动力成本上升 15

       4.4针对激烈的国际竞争 15

    5、我国纺织品出口的未来的发展趋势 17

       5.1走创新之路 17

       5.2推行“品牌战略” 17


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