The Influence between Urban Development and MICE
Abstract: With the development of China’s economy, the economic value created by MICE is growing fast. MICE is an emerging industry and has become a new economic form. It can lead other industries to create more value, including advertising industry, tourism, transportation industry, catering industry and so many other industries. The economic value created by MICE is not only direct but also indirect. It can promote the economic development of the city by improving infrastructure, cultural activities, tourism and so on. On the other hand, the economy more advanced, the better the MICE industry will be. So, the urban development and MICE have complementary relations.
This essay narrated the relationship between urban development in China and MICE. It will have 4 parts: First of all is an introduction. The second part is to discuss the economic development of Shanghai. The forth part is some successful examples. The forth part is to discuss the influence between urban development and MICE.
Key words: MICE Industry;Economy;Urban Development
一、绪论 1
(一)研究的问题及对象 1
(二)研究的意义 1
(三)论文框架及研究方法 1
二、会展经济概述 5
(一) 会展经济的含义 5
(二) 会展经济的作用 5
三、城市依靠会展发展经济的成功案例 5
(一)上海 6
1、上海发展会展经济的背景 6
2、上海会展经济的发展趋势 7
3、上海世博会的经济机遇 7
(二)张掖 7
1、张掖的会展业发展机遇 8
2、张掖将会举办更加国际化的展会 8
(三)齐齐哈尔 9
1、会展产业助力齐齐哈尔发展 9
2、齐齐哈尔的会展机遇 9