

    毕业论文关键词:版权交易 ,版权平行进口 ,政策建议

    China imported books present situation analysis and development proposals

    Abstract: After entering the new century international book trade in the face of the new development opportunity, how China's book publishing through books better expand import and export trade, promoting the integration of domestic resources, enhance China's influence and competitiveness in the international book trade, has become a universal concern of all book trade and industry inside and outside. China's import of books is in a booming period, need the support of many to long-term development, and the world. At the moment, no matter from the policy in our country or are in the market through the positive adjustment to improve the domestic environment the import book market, instead of the previous system on the dross, strive for the quite great progress in the next few years.

    Keywords: Copyright trading ,Copyright parallel import ,Policy Suggestions


    第一章 绪论 4

    (一)研究意义 4

    (二)文献综述 4

    (三)主要内容 5

    第二章  中国进口图书的现状与分析 6

    (一)市场特点 6

    1.政府政策的严格管制 6

    2.图书进口渠道垄断 6

    3.市场信息透明度低 7

    (二)进口图书市场的主要进口形式 8

    1.版权代理 8

    2.国际合作出版 8

    3.版权的平行进口 8

    (三)我国进口图书的现状及分析 9

    1.版权代理市场机制的不成熟 9

    2.合作出版成为中国进口图书市场的新趋势 10

    3.版权平行进口立法上的不完善 10

    第三章 美国“首次销售原则”对图书进口市场的启示 12

    (一)美国版权法的“首次销售原则" 12

    (二)首次销售原则对我国版权平行进口影响 13

    (三)对我国版权进口的建议 13

    第四章  中国进口图书的发展建议 15

    (一)降低进口图书市场垄断水平 15

    (二)探索创新版权进口贸易形式 15

    (三)图书贸易中的人才培养 15

    (四)政府政策保持调控,适当放宽 16


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