    毕业论文关键字: IOS;coreAudio; 声波传输;声波识别。
    Application of acoustic wave based on IOS system
    Abstract:Recenetly with the rapid development of smart phones,the afunctionalities of smart phone become more various.iPhone which based on IOS operating system is becoming more and more popular due to its unique design ,great quality and excellent user experience.at the moment, acoustic communication has been used widely in IOS and android operating system ,referring to  data and document transmission,and paying fields. For example ,Chirp in IPhone applications ,QieziKuaichuan in Android applications ,acoustic payment function in Alipay,radar scanning in WeChat and so on .This thesis designed and relised simple acoustic communication  function and acoustic recognition function based on IOS operating system.
    Firstly this thesis introduces some background of the project,the meaning of its worth and main work of this project. Then it lays out the technologies needed of IOS in development,such as features of IOS applications ,basic kit of multi-media and apple SDK about audio.Secondly,from the need of functions, thesis explains carefully about CoreAudio framework ,designing and realizing specicalized frequency acoustic and acoustic recognition.The thesis narrates using APIs in CoreAudio frame of IOS Kit to achieve  acoustic transmission and acoustic recognition.Finially  through rigid and detailed checking, run codes in real meachine and get check report.

    Key words :IOS;CoreAudio;Acoustic transmission; Acoustic recognition。
    1 绪论    3
    1.1 课题背景    3
    1.2研究意义和论文的主要工作    4
    1.3 论文的组织结构    4
    2  开发环境和开发工具    5
    2.1 IOS体系结构    5
    2.1.1COCOA TOUCH 层    6
    2.1.2 MEDIA层    6
    2.1.3CORE SERVICES 层(核心服务层)    6
    2.1.4 CORE OS层(核心操作系统层)    7
    2.2 开发工具    7
    2.2.1 XCODE 开发工具    7
    2.2.2 INTERFACE BUILDER    9
    2.2.3模拟器(SIMULATOR)    10
    2.2.4 INSTRUMENTS    10
    2.3 开发语言 – OBJECTIVE -C    11
    2.3.1消息传递    11
    2.3.2 类    12
    2.3.3 类别和协议    12
    3 IOS声波开发介绍    13
    3.1基础的音频知识    13
    3.1.1奈奎斯特理论    13
    3.1.2脉冲编码调制    14
    3.1.3音频格式MP3    14
    3.2 IOS音频产生设计    15
    3.2.1音频产生流程    15
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