    Ecological Culture Tourism Development of Henan Province
    Abstract: At present, tourism has become the most potential new industry, and is an open, high correlation industry, driving the development of services, catering and so on the development of the tertiary industry. This paper first expounds the concept and characteristics of ecological cultural tourism, and secondly makes a SWOT analysis to the ecological culture tourism in Henan province, thus points out some problems in the development, and puts forward solutions to these problems, aiming to promote the development of ecological culture better and faster, and based on the principles of sustainable development to increase the feasibility of the construction of ecological culture tourism. Ecological cultural tourism will encounter all sorts of contradictions and conflicts in the process of development, but we must uphold the strategic goal of sustainable development, renew the idea, the innovation system, and pay more attention to the cultivation of tourism talents, to realize the sustainable development of ecological tourism, and the purpose of improving people's living standard.
    Key words: Tourism; Ecological cultural tourism; Sustainable development; talent
    目    录
    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、生态文化旅游的概述    2
      (一)生态文化旅游的概念    2
      (二)生态文化旅游的特点    2
    二、河南省生态文化旅游的SWOT分析    3
     (一)优势    4
     (二)劣势    5
     (三)机遇    5
     (四)威胁    6
    三、河南省生态文化旅游发展中存在的问题    6
      (一)过分追求经济利益    6
      (二)体制、机制不够完善    7
      (三)品牌效果不突出    7
      (四)旅游业人才的整体素质不高    7
      (五)旅游投资不足    7
    四、河南省生态文化旅游发展的策略建议    8
      (一)以文化旅游整合为助力,形成合体发展的机制    8
      (二)文化、生态、旅游要协调发展    9
      (三)进一步提升旅游产业的整体素质,培养专业型人才    10
      (四)加大宣传力度,实施品牌战略    11
      (五)加大旅游业投资力度    12
    参考文献    13
    致谢    14 河南省生态文化旅游发展研究 前言
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