    摘要: 跨境电子商务作为推动经济一体化、贸易全球化的技术基础,具有非常重要的战略意义。跨境电商最大命门就是长途奔袭,不在本土作战,供应链拉得过长,只有销售没有服务,只有线上很少线下,很难落地与本土零售商平等竞争。上海自由贸易试验区就为跨境电商提供了缓冲区,相当于一只脚迈进来,以前很多棘手的问题都能妥善解决。在上海自贸区背景下发展的跨境电子商务不仅冲破了国家间的障碍,使国际贸易走向无国界贸易,同时它也正在引起世界经济贸易的巨大变革。对企业来说,自贸区背景下跨境电子商务所构建的开放、多文、立体的多边经贸合作模式,极大地拓宽了进入国际市场的路径,大大促进了多边资源的优化配置与企业间的互利共赢;对于消费者来说,自贸区背景下跨境电子商务使他们非常容易地获取其他国家的信息并买到物美价廉的商品。本文依托上海自贸区的背景对跨境电商的发展情况进行讨论,并做出总结。21627
    毕业论文关键词: 跨境电子商务,上海自由贸易试验区,国际贸易
    Shanghai Free Trade Zone Under The Background Of Cross-border E-commerce Development Analysis   
    Abstract:Cross-border e-commerce as to promote economic integration, technology infrastructure globalization of trade , has a very important strategic significance. Vital is the largest cross-border electricity suppliers long-range attacks , not the local operations , supply chain pull too long , only the sale of no service , only a few online and offline , it is difficult to compete with local retailers equal ground . FTA would provide a buffer for the cross-border electricity supplier , the equivalent to one foot forward , before many thorny issues can be properly addressed. Cross-border e-commerce in Shanghai FTA context of development not only to break the barriers between countries, international trade towards borderless trade , but it also is causing great changes in the world economy and trade . For businesses, under the FTA context of cross-border e-commerce to build an open , multi-dimensional , three-dimensional model of multilateral economic and trade cooperation has greatly widened the path to enter the international market greatly contributed to the optimization of resource allocation and multilateral inter- enterprise mutual benefit ; for consumers, the FTA context of cross-border e-commerce makes them very easy to get information from other countries and to buy inexpensive goods. Background Shanghai paper relies on cross-border trade zone electricity supplier to discuss developments and make summary.   
    Keywords:  Cross-border E-commerce , Shanghai Free Trade Zone Test , International Trade
    绪论    1
    (一) 研究目的    1
    (二) 研究意义    1
    (三) 研究内容    2
    一、中国(上海)自由贸易试验区设立    3
        (一) 上海自由贸易区背景分析    3
    1、 历史发展的必然趋势    3
    2、 国际竞争加剧    3
    (二) 上海自由贸易区的建立条件    3
    二、 上海自由贸易试验区背景下跨境电商发展分析    5
    (一)自贸区跨境电商发展的背景分析    5
    (二) 自贸区跨境电商发展的现状    5
    三、自贸区背景下跨境电商发展的问题    7
    (一) 跨境电子商务法律体系亟需建立    7
    (二) 信用评价和标识需统一     7
    (三) 在线支付须安全     8
    (五) 品牌化瓶颈     8
    (751) 其他     8
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