    The influence of Yangshan Deepwater Port for Shanghai to become international shipping center
    Abstract: Shanghai is the largest port city in china. After the country decided to develop Shanghai into an international shipping center in the context of Yangshan Deepwater transportation should be born. It appears to solve the Shanghai no natural deep water port problems, but also establish an important shipping center adds weight to Shanghai. After years of development, Yangshan Deepwater Port in Shanghai shipping in the role has been increasingly prominent on this important container throughput of Shanghai index has been ranked first in the world, and in the next room for improvement Yangshan Deepwater Port is also still very enormous. Yangshan Port completed paper will analyze the impact for Shanghai to become an international shipping center is made. Summarize its merits in the past decade running, while there is still room for improvement to make some constructive suggestions, hope for the future development of the Yangshan Deepwater Port can be helpful.
    Key words:Yangshan Deepwater Port; international shipping center; Container Throughput
    一、绪论    1
    (一)研究背景    1
    (二)研究现状分析    1
    二、上海的航运情况    3
    (一)洋山港与上海其他港区的情况比较    3
    (二)洋山港建成后的运行情况    5
    三、洋山港的积极影响    6
    (一)带动了集装箱吞吐量的提升    6
    (二)集装箱水水中转比率以及集装箱中转量提升    7
    (三)与自贸区的相互促进作用    8
    1、自贸区有利于进一步夯实航运中心的贸易基础    8
    2、自贸区的设立将促进航运中心的基础设施建设    8
    3、自贸区建设有助于航运金融市场发展    9
    (四)带动了码头基础设施完善    9
    (五)临港新城建设    10
    (751)进一步吸引资源    10
    四、洋山港今后发展建议    11
    (一)创建绿色港口    11
    (二)借鉴国际港口发展经验    12
    五、洋山四期展望及结束语    13
    致谢    14
    参考文献    15

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