

    毕业论文关键词: GC-MS-O;茉莉精油;定量

    Study on the characteristic aroma components of jasmine essential oil

    Abstract: The main content of this paper is to analyze qualitatively by the characteristic aroma components in essential oil of jasmine, and to evaluate the contribution of the aroma of jasmine aroma fragrance to adjust the overall, harmonious and vivid jasmine. The use of GC-MS-O, combined with the strength analysis the characteristic aroma components of four kinds of jasmine essential oil of 29 samples by the use of GC-MS, and by the qualitative and quantitative analysis, finally, according to the quantitative data reorganization of jasmine, and by sensory analysis and electronic nose analysis experiments to verify it. The experimental samples are from jasmine essential oil obtained from solvent extraction and distillation, extraction of raw materials as jasmine jasmine, pure fragrance and elegant, is one of the rare spice species endemic to China, research and analysis of chemical constituents of jasmine aroma constituents and jasmine essence characteristics of oil, for the further development and utilization of jasmine resources, it has very important significance.

    Key Word:  GC-MS-O;jasmine essential oil;quantitative

    目 录

    1  前言 1

    1.1  茉莉精油国内外现状概述 1

    1.2  茉莉花的应用 1

    1.3  国内外对茉莉精油的研究 1

    1.3.1 茉莉精油特征香气成分的基本构成 2

    1.3.2 大花茉莉精油特征香气成分的基本构成 2

    1.3.3 小花茉莉精油特征香气成分的基本构成 2

    1.4  本课题研究的目的与意义 2

    2  实验原理与内容 3

    2.1  实验原理 3

    2.2  实验原料、仪器 4

    2.2.1  实验的主要原料 4

    2.2.2  重组配制香精需要的原料 5

    2.2.3  实验仪器设备 5

    2.3 实验方法与步骤 6

    2.3.1  分析实验方法与要求 6

    2.3.2  GC-MS-O分析实验 6

    2.3.3  GC-MS外标定量实验 7

    2.3.4  茉莉精油的重组 8

    2.3.5  实验步骤 8

    3  实验结果与讨论 9

    3.1  广西小花茉莉分析结果 9

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