


    采用实验获得的最佳工艺参数完成了药室层与喷口层的键合,并测试了键合剪切强度。结果表明,药室的不同区域,单位面积上的剪切力强度区别很大,药室边缘处达到4.061N/mm2,而在药室中间处仅为1.196 N/mm2。


    毕业论文关键词  微推进器  低温共晶  微尺度传热  剪切强度  ANSYS热分析


    Title  Low-temperature bonding method for micro-thruster array and analysis of microscale heat transfer process


    To deal with the combustion chamber and the nozzle chamber packaging problem of the micro-thruster array, a low-temperature eutectic bonding method was presented. The specific bonding process parameters were explored. The combustion chamber and the nozzle chamber bonded together by applying the optimal parameters and the shear stress was tested. A model describing the process of combustion and heat transfer of micro-thruster array was established and the thermal properties of the combustion chambers were simulated by ANSYS software.

    By taking the CCL and the silicon wafer with copper film platted as research object, the bonding process parameters of the low-temperature bonding method were studied. The experimental results showed that the quality of the growth alloy directly affected the success of low temperature eutectic bonding process. The pH value and thickness of the copper film had a great influence on the growth of the alloy ,while the wetting time and the bath temperature didn’t make much difference to it. The results were showed as follows :a suitable pH value for the growth of the alloy was 0--0.5; the thickness of the copper film had a great influence on the small size alloy and a suitable thickness of the copper film was 500nm or 1000nm in order to get a needed pattern; the wetting time and the bath temperature  were variable according to practical experiments. 

    The combustion chamber and the nozzle chamber were bonded together successful by applying the optimal parameters and the shear stress were tested. The results showed that the shear strength per unit area was greatly difference in different regions of the chamber. The value of which in the edge of the chamber was 4.061N/mm2, while in the middle of the chamber was 1.196N/mm2.

    A model describing the process of combustion and heat transfer of micro-thruster array was established and the temperature distributions of the combustion chambers were simulated by ANSYS software. The results show that silicion was not suitable as combustion chamber materials and the ignition in a chamber didn’t affect other adjacent chambers when epoxy resin and 7740-type glass were chosen to be the material of the combustion chamber.

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