
    摘要:本文研究化学改性碳黑在中性条件下对氧还原反应(ORR)的催化效 果,并对其进行热处理,遴选出最优温度和最佳匹配方案。利用硝酸氧化碳黑, 在无水乙醇环境下与氨水反应,引入酰胺基团,探索其对微生物燃料电池的 ORR 的效果。研究发现,在所有溶剂改性中,硝酸改性效果最佳;热处理使碳黑表面 有序,能有效提高氧还原效果。根据循环伏安曲线图(CV),300℃和 600℃热处 理的碳黑表现出优异的电化学性能。氧化钴在不同价态间的转换使得其利于 ORR, 通过表面溶剂热处理,成功接枝的官能团为氧化钴提供活性位点,增大电催化面 积,从而增强了催化剂的 ORR 性能。68558

    毕业论文关键词 化学改性 微生物燃料电池 阴极催化剂 热处理 氧还原反应

    Title Effect of chemically modified Vulcan XC-72R as a    cathode material on the performance in a microbial fuel cell





    The effect of chemically modified Vulcan XC-72R toward oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) has been investigated.Chemically modification Vulcan XC-72R has been carried out followed by heat treatment. According to the results of cyclic voltammograms test,the optimal temperature has been selected.During the  chemical modification,Vulcan XC-72R was oxidized by 5M nitric acid,and the resulting carbon black was dispersed in anhydrous ethanol.Next,product reacted with ammonia, and then reacted with ammonia in the environment of anhydrous ethanol.The amide-groups were successfully grafted over Vulcan XC-72R surface via a simple solvent thermal route demonstrated by Fourier-transform infrared spectra (FTIR).The study found that nitric acid treatment exhibited good electrochemical properties compared with other solvents.Heat treatment could make Vulcan XC-72R surface ordered.According to CV ,

    300 ℃ and 600 ℃ are more suitable temperature which was carried out to improve the

    performance.Studies have shown that the conversion between different valences of cobalt oxide conducive to ORR. The surface of Vulcan XC-72R was treated by solvent heat treatment, successfully grafted functional groups to provide active sites for the cobalt oxide, and enhanced the ability of electro-catalytic reduction of oxygen.


    Keywords Chemical modification MFC cathode catalyst Heat treatment Oxygen reduction reaction


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题背景与研究意义 1

    1.2 MFC 的工作原理 2

    1.3  国内外研究现状 3

    1.3.1 MFC 阳极材料 3

    1.3.2 MFC 阴极材料的研究现状 3

    1.4  本课题的研究意义和研究内容 4

    1.4.1  本课题的研究意义 4

    1.4.2  本课题的研究内容 6

    2  实验 7

    2.1  实验材料 7

    2.1.1 菌源 7

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