
    摘要自然界中有很多矿物资源是与天然放射性核素共生的, 含有高水平天然放射性核素浓度的非铀矿(如稀土矿和磷酸盐矿等)称为伴生放射性矿。伴生矿的开发利中,同时还将伴生的U-238、Th-232、Ra-226、K-40 等较高水平的天然放射性核素人为暴露到地面环境中,并随着矿石的加工、冶炼、废弃物的排放而转移到产品、副产品和“三废”中,造成对环境的放射性污染。因此,对伴生矿放射性环境进行辐射测量,不仅为制定放射性环境污染防治对策提供基础资料和科学依据,更对加强我国伴生矿资源管理具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。放射性污染源以及污染关键因子为:γ 辐射,天然放射性核素238U、232Th、226Ra、40K,总α,总β。本文介绍了在对伴生矿环境进行测量时,不同污染因子所使用的不同测量仪器以及不同测量方法。对监测结果进行综合分析,用数据结果充分表明了伴生矿开发利用过程中存在的问题和隐患,并提出具有针对性的放射性污染防治措施。64762

    毕业论文关键词:伴生矿  放射性  监测   分析

    Title: Associated Mineral Metallurgical Plant Radioactivity Measurement And Investigation


    Associated mineral which containing higher level of natural radioactive isotopes is not a kind of uranium mine. In the development and utilization of associated minerals resource, we also expose the high level of natural radioactive isotopes to the ground environment, such as U-238、Th-232、Ra-226、K-40 etc. Along with the mineral processing, smelting and the discharge of wastes, these isotopes are transferred to the products, by-products and "three wastes",which will endanger the health of human body and cause the radioactive pollution to the environment, radioactive pollution source and its key factors areγ radiation and  natural radioactive isotopes 238U、232Th、226Ra、40K, total α, total β. This dissertation also has introduced different measuring instruments and different measuring methods, which are according to different pollution factors in the associated mineral radioactivity measuring. At the end, though comprehensively analyzing the assessment results, it fully shows the problems and hidden danger in the utilization of associated minerals, then puts forward some targeted radioactive pollution prevention measures.

    Key words: associated mineral;  radioactive;  measure ;  analyze 


    目  次

    1.1伴生放射性矿的概念 5

    1.2稀土资源概况及其应用 5

    1.2.1稀土资源分布 5

    1.2.2稀土资源在中国的分布情况 5

    1.2.3 稀土的应用 6

    1.2.4 伴生放射性矿开发利用放射性污染 6

    1.2.5 江苏省伴生放射性矿物冶炼加工企业概况 8

    2稀土伴生放射性冶炼厂环境放射性监测 9

    2.1测量仪器 9

    2.1.1现场测量仪器 9

    2.1.2实验室测量仪器 9

    2.2监测项目 13

    2.3监测方法 13

    2.3.1环境γ辐射空气吸收剂量率现场监测 13

    2.4样品采集 14

    2.4.1水样采集 14


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