



    毕业论文关键字:稀土工业 稀土渣 处理与处置 混合碱 氢氧化钠 氧化钙

    Preliminary exploration of the treatment and disposal of low-level radioactive rare earth acid dross

    Abstract: China has become the largest producer, consumer and exporter of rare earth due to the rapid development of rare earth industry in the recent 30 years. Since rare earth resources emit enormous radioactive nuclides, the exploitation and utilization of rare earth resources pose potential radiological hazards to the ecological system and human health. In China’s rare earth processing plants, radioactive nuclides are mainly transferred to waste residues for disposal. In order to properly dispose these radioactive rare earth residues, it is crucial to employ appropriate treatments, disposal methods and regulations. 

    Since pH influences the specific activity of the rare earth acid dross extract, this experiment was to test if the addition of NaOH and CaO2 would lower the specific activity of the extract. The amount of rare earth residues extracted at varies controlled conditions of the prepared solutions was investigated. When the same alkaline sample, either sodium hydroxide or calcium peroxide was controlled, an experiment testing the change in specific activity of the extract versus time was conducted. When controlling pH, the change in specific activity of the extract versus the addition of different alkalis was conducted.

    According to the results obtained, the addition of both sodium hydroxide and calcium peroxide were capable of lowering the specific activity of the extract. However, since sodium hydroxide might be leaked out along with the exact, sodium hydroxide is not a wise choice in terms of effectiveness, running cost, utilization of resources, and prevention of secondary pollution. On the other hand, calcium peroxide is the optimal chemical that should be used to treat rare earth acid dross for effective and safe continuous use.

    Key words: Rare earth industry, rare earth residues, treatment and disposal, mixed alkalis, calcium peroxide.



    1  绪论 1

    1.1 我国稀土工业的概况 5

    1.1.1 什么是稀土元素 6

    1.1.2 我国稀土矿的分布及类型

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