



    Abstract According to the practical problems that traditional infrared decoy recipes ( Mg / PTFE) combustion reaction temperature is too high and the spectrum does not match the platform. This topic put forward to a method of reducing the temperature of the combustion reaction. Firstly, mading bait into a combustion reaction film by the method, in order to avoid centralized heat caused by bait combustion; secondly, adding additive into the traditional infrared decoy agent to achieve lower combustion temperature, while also ensuring the film continued to stable combustion. Experiment was pided into two steps: the first step, based on this three groups that Mg / PTFE, red phosphorus / copper oxide and red phosphorus / strontium sulfate, through using different size oxidizer to determine the temperature effect on the combustion reaction; the second step, adding copper oxide and red phosphorus into the Mg / PTFE, and to adjust the percentage of their formulation, according to the experimental results to determine the best solution.

    Studies show that: thickness of the combustion reaction film is only 0.03cm, and the average particle size of the oxidant is much less than the magnesium particle,on this condition, the oxidant particle size has little effect on the combustion reaction temperature; with P / CuO functional additives, not only achieve the requirements   that lower combustion temperature, and keep the stable combustion. More importantly, it achieve the desired effect.

    Key words:Low-temperature combustion , Infrared decoy ,Reaction film, Additive 

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    1  前言 1

    1.1  研究背景和意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.2.1  国外研究现状 2

    1.2.2  国内研究现状 3

    1.3  本文主要研究内容 4

    2  理论部分 4

    2.1  添加剂对燃烧反应温度的影响 4

    2.2  降低燃烧反应温度机理 4

    材料与仪器设备 5

    3.1  氧化剂 5

    3.2  可燃剂 6

    3.3  粘结剂 8

    3.4  仪器设备 8

    3.4.1  红外测温仪

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