

    毕业论文关键词  氢化丁腈橡胶  氢化羧基丁腈橡胶  共混  硫化体系  正交试验设计


    Title  Study on Compounding Systems on HNBR/HXNBR Blends                           


    Due to its excellent properties such as oil resistance, chemical resistance, heat resistance, resistance to high temperature and high pressure, and resistance to ozone, HNBR is widely used in many industrial fields. However,HNBR has poor adhensive to metal which limits its development.In this paper, HNBR was mixed with a little of HXNBR and the rubber blends were cured with DCP and sulfur curing system. Then, the optimum curing systems of HNBR/HXNBR blends was gained by using orthogonal design. The results shows that, the optimum curing system was as follows: DCP 2phr、TAIC 1.5phr、S 0.5phr and TMTD2phr.

    The HNBR/HXNBR blends cured by the optimum curing system has the excellent performance. The tensile strength of rubber blends was 29.52MPa, the elongation at break was 409%, the tear strength was 65.43KN/m-1, and the abrasion volume was 0.08008/cm3.

    Keywords  HNBR  HXNBR  blends vulcanization  orthogonal 

    目   录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1   氢化丁腈橡胶 1

    1.1.1  HNBR的结构与性能 2

    1.1.2  HNBR的研究现状 2

    1.2  氢化羧基丁腈橡胶 4

    1.2.1  HXNBR的性能 4

    1.2.2  HXNBR的研究现状 4

    1.3  橡胶共混技术 5

    1.3.1  橡胶共混的基本特征 6

    1.3.2  HNBR/HXNBR共混胶 6

    1.4  正交试验设计法 7

    1.4.1  正交试验设计法的概念 7

    1.4.2  正交试验设计法在橡胶配方中的应用 7

    1.5  本课题的目的、意义及主要研究内容 8

    2  试验部分 9

    2.1  正交试验设计方案的确定 9

    2.1.1  因素和水平的确定 9

    2.1.2  合适的正交表的选择 9

    2.2  实验药品 10

    2.3  胶料配方设计 11

    2.4  实验仪器 11

    2.5  胶料的制备 12

    2.6  HNBR/HXNBR共混胶的性能测试 12

    2.6.1  硫化特性曲线测试

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