






    Abstract:The present situation of water resources in the world is not optimistic, The recycling of industrial cooling water is more necessary. In order to reduce the corrosion of the metal of the equipment caused by the industrial cooling water, need to add corrosion inhibitor. The quatemary-N is an important part of the high temperature corrosion inhibitor structure , the fluorophore contanined in the structure of the fluorescence corrosion inhibitor ,the mass concentration of the corrosion inhibitor In the water can be obtained by detected by fluoredcence rapidly and accurately. As a common fluorescent monomer coumarin having a hier fluorescence intensity . Based on the Mannich reaction ,this paper designs and synthetic the fluorescent coumarin quaternary-N corrosion inhibitor. 

    (1) The definition , types ,inhibition principle of the inhibitor are reviewed. 

    (2) The fluorescent quaternary-N corrosion inhibitor were synthesized by 7-hydroxycoumarin with corresponding aldeyde in ethanol.And several factors that affect the reaction was explored.

    (3) It was proved the effect is enhanced with the increase of the temperature and the concentration of the quaternary-N.

    (4)It was determined that there are a good linear relationship of the fluorescence intendity and the inhibitor concentration.

    Keywords: fluorescence, quaternary-N, corrosion inhibitors, Mannich reaction


    中文摘要、关键词. 2

    英文摘要、关键词... 3

    1  绪论 4

    1.1  缓蚀剂的定义、特点 4

    1.2  缓蚀剂的分类 4

    1.3  缓蚀剂的作用机理 6

    1.3.1  无机缓蚀剂的作用原理 6

    1.3.2  有机缓蚀剂的作用原理 6

    1.4  季铵盐缓蚀剂 7

    1.5  曼尼希反应以及曼尼希碱的缓蚀机理 8

    1.6  香豆素的荧光性 9

    1.7  本文研究内容 9

    2  实验部分 11

    2.1  仪器 11

    2.2  试剂 11

    2.3  荧光型季胺盐缓蚀剂的合成与鉴定 12

    2.3.1  合成路线与方法 12

    2.3.2  第一步反应产物谱图鉴定

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