
    摘要碳酸二甲酯(dimethyl carbonate,简称 DMC)是一个绿色新化学品,其毒性很低。它可替代光气、硫酸二甲酯及卤代甲烷等剧毒或致癌物用作甲基化和羰基化试剂,能参与许多化学反应。目前关于DMC应用于(羧)甲基化反应的研究较多,但是反应一般需要在路易斯酸催化和高温(120-200℃)条件下才可以进行。反应过程能耗较大,条件比较苛刻,产率较低,限制了DMC在工业中的广泛应用。本课题通过选择合适的含硫试剂(硫代乙酸钾)优化反应条件,使DMC参与的(羧)甲基化反应可以在温和条件下进行,降低了能耗,取得了较高的收率。62953

    毕业论文关键词: 碳酸二甲酯  绿色 甲基化  羧甲基化 含硫试剂 硫代乙酸钾 


    Tilte:The study of Dimethyl carbonate on methylation and carboxymethylation reaction

    Abstract:Dimethyl carbonate (dimethyl carbonate, referred to as DMC) is a green chemical with low toxicity. It is the alternative of highly toxic or carcinogenic reagents, such as phosgene, dimethyl sulfate, and halogenated methane, etc. DMC is usually used as a reagent for methylation and carbonylation, and it can also participate in many organic reactions. DMC has been applied for (carboxymethyl) methylation reactions previously, but those reactions generally  require Lewis acid catalyst and high temperature (120-200°C) conditions. In addition, the reaction need high energy consumption and relatively harsh reaction conditions, which greatly limit the use of DMC in industry. The subject selects a suitable sulfur-containing reagent potassium thioacetate to optimize the reaction conditions. The (carboxymethyl) methylation reaction can be carried out well with relatively low energy consumption and excellent yield under the optimized reaction conditions. 

    Keywords:  dimethyl  carbonate  green  methyl  carboxymethyl  sulfur reagent    thiosulfate potassium acetate


    文献综述——碳酸二甲酯的研究进展 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2碳酸二甲酯的性质 1

    1.2.1物理性质 1

    1.2.2化学性质 2

    1.3 碳酸二甲酯的制备技术研究现状 3

    1.3.1 光气法 3

    1.3.2 酯交换法 3

    1.3.3 甲醇液相氧化碳化法 3

    1.3.4 甲醇气相氧化碳化法 4

    1.3.4 一些新的合成工艺 4

    1.4 碳酸二甲酯的应用 5

    1.4.1 碳酸二甲酯作甲基化试剂 5

    1.4.2 碳酸二甲酯参与的羧甲基化反应 8

    1.4.3 碳酸二甲酯参与的其他反应 9

    1.4.4 碳酸二甲酯用作溶剂 10

    1.4.5 碳酸二甲酯用作燃油添加剂 10

    1.5 课题的提出 10

    2 含硫试剂的选择和反应条件的优化 11

    2.1 含硫试剂的选择 11

    2.1 反应条件的优化 12

    3 DMC 参与的甲基化反应研究 14

    3.1 氧原子上的甲基化反应 14

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