
    摘要:Versace的香水,是以其独特的魅力,新颖的构思为人们所喜爱。本文以Versace的一款男士香水——Eros为研究对象,研究了其仿制技术。通过了GC-MS的分析和嗅辨确定了该香水的香韵组成及主要原料,并拟定配方对该香水进行仿制;通过实验不断对配方进行优化,其结果为动物香:26.1~26.5%、檀香:0.4~0.5%、果香:8.3~8.6%、青滋香:33~33.8%、豆香:5.5~5.7%、木香:16.6~17%、蜜甜香:4.2~4.8%、海韵:2.2~2.4%。最终获得一个与样本香气相近的香水。通过三角测试的测试,使仿制的Versace Eros男用香水香精的香气组成及香气结构都得到了较好的诠释。62156


    Research on Male Perfume Imitation of Versace Eros

    Abstract: The perfume of Versace, which is favored and pursued for its unique glamour and innovative idea are loved by more and more people. The paper studies one of the men's fragrances of Versace—Eros, to tell how to research and imitate the perfume of Versace Eros. Through the GC-MS and smell, decide the fragrance and composition. Analyze how to select the making formulas for perfume imitation how to adjust and optimize its formulas by experiments and how to achieve the success finally in details. It’s including musk:26.1%~26.5%,sandalwood:0.4%~0.5%,citrus:8.3%~8.6%,green:33%~33.8%,coumarin:5.5%~5.7%, woody:16.6%~17%,honey:4.2%~4.8%,watery:2.2%~2.4%.Through fragrance identification, the scent and composition of the finished imitation perfume based on Versace Eros have been better. 

    Keywords: Male perfume, Research, Imitation

    1 前言 1

    1.1香水的起源 1

    1.2 香水的发展 1

    1.3 研究目的和意义 3

    1.4 香水的香气 3

    2 实验 4

    2.1 实验仪器及设备 4

    2.2 实验原料 4

    2.3 实验内容和方法 4

    2.3.1 通过嗅辨确定样品的香气分路 4

    2.3.2 GC-MS分析 5

    2.3.3 香精仿制 5

    2.3.4 香气的感官评定 5

    2.3.5 香水的制备 5

    3 结果与讨论 6

    3.1 GC-MS分析报告的整理及分析 6

    3.1.1 柑橘类天然原料的确定 8

    3.1.2 动物香类香料的确定 9

    3.2 初步配方的确定 9

    3.3 各香韵原料对香精香气的影响 10

    3.3.1 动物香香韵原料对香精香气的影响 10

    3.3.2 果香香韵原料对香精香气的影响 12

    3.3.3 青滋香香韵原料对香精香气的影响 15

    3.3.4 豆香香韵原料对香精香气的影响 17

    3.3.5木香韵原料对香精香气的影响 19

    3.3.6蜜甜香香韵原料对香精香气的影响 21

    3.3.7 香精香气的比较和测评 23

    3.4 配方修正 24

    3.4.1 尖锐、粗糙香气的修正

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