
    摘要垃圾堆肥是处理与利用垃圾的一种方法,是利用垃圾或土壤中存在的细菌、酵母菌、真菌和放线菌等微生物,使垃圾中的有机物发生生物化学反应而降解(消化),形成一种类似腐蚀质土壤的物质,用作肥料并用来改良土壤。而在垃圾堆肥过程中,同时也会产生大量恶臭,影响居民正常生活。本研究采用厨余垃圾作为堆肥原料,采用三因素(含水率、碳氮比和曝气量)、三水平(60%、65%、70%;15、25、35;5、10、15 L/min)正交实验,研究不同通气量对垃圾好氧堆肥VOCs释放浓度的减量效果。结果表明,VOCs释放的浓度与通气量的大小成反相关。其中当通气量为15L/.min时VOCs恶臭释放浓度最低。垃圾好氧堆肥过程中控制VOCs恶臭释放的最优工艺参数为含水率60%,碳氮比35,曝气量15 L/min。60832

    Abstract Compost is a kind of method to the treatment and utilization of garbage,is the use of waste or soil in the presence of bacteria, yeast, fungi and actinomycetes and other microorganisms, the garbage in the organic compounds biological and chemical reaction and degradation (digestion), forming a similar corrosion quality soil material, used as fertilizer and soil improvement. And in the composting process and produce a large number of malodorous, affect the normal life of the residents. This study using kitchen waste as compost material, with three factors (water content, carbon and nitrogen ratio and aeration amount) and three levels (60%, 65%,70%; 15,25,35; 5,10,15 L/min) orthogonal experiment, effects of different ventilation of garbage aerobic composting VOCs released concentration reduction effect. Results show that, the size of the VOCs concentration and ventilation into Anti correlated. When the ventilation 15L/min VOCs odor release was the lowest. Garbage aerobic composting process control of VOCs odor release the optimal process parameters for moisture content of 60%, carbon and nitrogen than 35, aeration volume 15 L/min.

    毕业论文关键词:垃圾堆肥; 通气量; VOC恶臭; 正交试验

    Keyword: waste compost; aeration rate; VOC odor; orthogonal test

    目录 3

    1 引言 4

    1.1 前言 4

    1.2 我国垃圾堆肥现状 4

    1.3 恶臭种类、危害及控制的必要性 4

        1.4 VOCs的污染情况以及危害 4

    1.4.1 VOCs的成分 4

    1.4.2 垃圾堆肥VOCs恶臭的危害 5

        1.5 堆肥过程中对VOCs释放的影响因素 6

            1.5.1 温度对VOCs释放的影响 6

        1.5.2 通气量对VOCs释放的影响 6

    1.6 小结 6

    2 材料与方法 7

        2.1 模拟厨余垃圾堆肥反应器搭建与运行 7

    2.1.1 模拟厨余垃圾堆肥反应器搭建 7

        2.1.2 堆肥原料制备及运行参数 7

        2.1.3 样品采集 9

        2.2 垃圾堆肥参数测定 10

    2.2.1 温度测定 10

        2.2.2 pH值的测定 10

        2.2.3 含水率的测定 10

    2.3 气样测定

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