
    摘 要:教育在我们的成才之路上有着重要的意义,教育过程中的每一步都对学生、教师的影响是巨大的。课外作业的布置、评价在教学过程中尤其重要,课外作业作为连接教师和学生的重要纽带,起着非常重要的作用。它能使得教师与学生进行有效的交流,共同成长。新课程标准理念的背景下,中学化学的教学方式、方法已有很明显的改变,但是长期积淀下来的作业形式、内容、完成标准及评价方式已经逐渐偏离了教育的发展,逐渐转化应试教育,学生的被动接受式的教育模式是由这样的背景下孕育出来的。本文从课外作业的精简化、层次化、多样化等以及课外作业的评价等方面阐述如何设计科学的课外作业,强调学生在教学过程中的主体地位,使得原本死板乏的作业环节焕然一新。59314

    毕业论文关键词: 课外作业,新课程标准,作业评价,应试教育

    Abstract:Education plays an essential role in the road to success. Every part of the teaching process is useful to teachers and students. The layout and evaluation of homework is an especially important link in teaching process. As an important link connecting teachers and students, homework plays a very important role. It can make teachers and students comminute effectively and grow together. Under the background of the new curriculum standard idea, the middle school chemistry teaching methods has changed obviously. With the long-term accumulation, however, the form, content, completion criteria and evaluations of homework has gradually deviate form the development of education and turned into the exam-oriented education. The students' passive acceptance of the education model is conceived by this background. This article states how to design effective homework from different aspects: simplified, hierarchical, persification, evaluation and emphasize the dominant position of students in the teaching process, which makes the original rigid tedious job look brand-new.

    Keywords: homework,the new curriculum standard,homework evaluation,exam-oriented

    目   录

    1  引言 3

    2  本课题研究的目的、意义 4

    2.1  本课题研究的目的 4

    2.2  本课题研究的意义 4

    3  课外作业的设计 5

    3.1  课外作业设计必须 “精简有效” 6

    3.2  课外作业的层次化 6

    3.3  多样化的课外作业 6

    3.4  课外作业设计要体现创新精神 7

    3.5  课外作业富于趣 7

    3.6  让学生在教学中占主导地位 8

    4  课外作业的评价 8

    4.1  完善书面测验评价 8

    4.2  建立学生学习档案的评价 9

    4.3  记录活动表现评价 9

    4.4  评价方式的多样化 10

    结  论 11

    参 考 文 献 12

    致  谢 13

    1  引言


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