
    摘要:介绍了镍硼合金镀层是一种功能性镀层,具有良好的耐磨性、耐蚀性能,在碱性条件下的化学镀镀层.研究了镍硼合金的工艺条件,通过对镀液中各成分浓度对沉积速率的影响,以沉积速率的最大值来度量最佳的镀液组成,初步以温度 pH值来对镀液配方的进行美化,在不同的条件下化学镀的最大沉积速率可以到达10 um/h;化学镀Ni-B合金镀层的理想镀液组成:硫酸镍25 g/L,乙二胺25 ml/L,硼氢化钾1.2 g/L,酒石酸钠钾30 g/L,水杨酸1g/L OP微量(2滴)工艺条件:pH约12,温度85℃,得到的镀层光亮性和平整度好,化学镀得沉积速率大。52793

    毕业论文关键词: 镍硼台金 化学镀 镀液配方 沉积速率

    Process of Ni-B alloy plating

    Abstract; This lab introduces the nickel-boron alloy coating is a functional coating, has good wear resistance, corrosion resistance, chemical plating is plated under alkaline conditions. Study on the process conditions the nickel-boron alloy, through the concentration of each component in the bath on the deposition rate of the comparison, then get the maximum value associated with the deposition rate to measure the best bath composition, temperature initial pH value of the bath recipe landscaping, under different conditions, the deposition rate of electroless plating can reach 10 um / h. Best plating bath obtained Ni-B alloy composition: nickel sulfate 25 g / L, ethylene diamine 25 ml / L, potassium borohydride 1.2 g / L, sodium potassium tartrate 30 g /L, salicylic acid 1g /L OP trace (2 drops) conditions: pH of about 12, the temperature 85℃, good bright coating and flatness obtained plating deposition rate was large.

    Keywords: Plating solution formula  nickel-boron  alloy plating  The deposition rate 


    1前言 1

    1.1文献综述 1

    1.2研究的背景和意义 2

    2实验原理和测量方法 3

    2.1实验原理 3

    2.2测量方法 3

    3实验部分 4

    3.1试剂及仪器 4

    3.1.1实验试剂 4

    3.1.2实验仪器 4

    3.2实验步骤 5

    3.2.1样板: 5

    3.2.2 溶液成分 5

    3.2.3工艺流程; 6

    3.3方案选择 7

    3.3.1工艺条件的优化 7镀液pH的选择  5化学镀的温度的选择 6络合剂含量 7

    3.3.2硼氢化钾的浓度的影响 9

    3.3.3硫酸镍的浓度影响 13

    4试验结果与分析 15

    4.1镀液pH值的影响 15

    4.2镀液不同温度对沉积速率的影响 15

    4.3乙二胺浓度对沉积速率的影响 16

    4.4硼氢化钾浓度对沉积速率的影响 17

    4.5硫酸镍浓度对沉积速率的影响 17


     4.7添加剂 17 

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