    摘要: 本次设计为畜禽养殖废水工艺设计,废水的处理量为 12000m3/d。造成畜禽养殖废水污染的原因是,废水中含有高浓度的CODCr、NH3-N、SS和大量的致病菌等。畜禽养殖废水对环境有一定的危害,因此国内外一直致力于畜禽养殖废水处理方法的研究。本设计在考虑影各种因素后,决定采用 UASB法作为污水处理工艺的主要过程。 UASB 是一种目前应用很广泛的厌氧处理设备,经常被作为畜禽养殖废水处理工艺中的重要构筑物使用。此反应器的底部有一个高浓度的污泥层,有机物大部分在这里被转化,污泥层上面是污泥悬浮层,由气泡和污泥粘附而成,三相分离器位于反应器上部,负责分离气、液、固三相。UASB 反应器对有机物的去除率很高,且受环境变化的影响小,适用于处理量较大的污水处理厂。51461
    毕业论文关键词: 畜禽养殖废水、UASB、厌氧生物处理
    12000m3/d Livestock Wastewater Treatment Process Design
    Abstract:  This design for livestock and poultry breeding wastewater treatment process design, the capacity of waste water is 12000 m3/d. What make the  livestock and poultry breeding wastewater pollution of wastewater  is that the water  contains high concentration of CODCr, NH3-N, SS and a large number of pathogenic bacteria, etc. Livestock wastewater on the environment were damaged, and therefore has been committed to domestic and foreign livestock wastewater treatment method.  This design after considering various factors Movies, decided to use the law as a major UASB process wastewater treatment processes. UASB is a very broad application of anaerobic treatment equipment, often used as livestock wastewater treatment process is an important structure is used. The bottom of the reactor has a high concentration of sludge blanket, where most of the organic matter is converted sludge layer above the sludge suspended layer is adhered by the bubbles and sludge from the three-phase separator is located in the upper part of the reactor responsible for separating gas, liquid and solid. UASB reactor for high removal rate, and affected by small changes in the environment, suitable for handling a large amount of sewage treatment plant. Keywords: livestock wastewater;  UASB;anaerobic biological treatment  


    1 绪论 .  5 

    1.1 畜禽养殖废水  .  5 

    1.2 本设计采取处理工艺  ..  5 

    2 设计任务  6 

    2.1  设计要求  .  6 

    2.2 设计依据    7 

    2.3  处理构筑物的选择    7 

    3 主要构筑物的设计与计算  ..  9 

    3.1  格栅的设计与计算    9 

    3.1.1格栅设计说明  .  9 

    3.1.2格栅设计参数  .  9 

    3.1.3格栅设计计算  ..  10 

    3.2  沉砂池的设计与计算    11 

    3.2.1沉砂池设计参数  .  11 

    3.2.2沉砂池设计计算  .  11 

    3.2.3曝气沉砂池设计草图  ..  12 

    3.3  初沉池的设计与计算    13 

    3.3.1初沉池的设计参数    13 

    3.3.2初沉池的设计计算    14 

    3.3.3平流式初沉池设计草图  .  15 

    3.4  UASB反应器的设计计算    15 

    3.4.1设计参数  ..  15 3.4.2UASB

    反应器的设计计算  ..  16 

    3.5  二沉池的设计计算  .  20 

    3.5.1二沉池设计参数  .  20 

    3.5.2二沉池设计计算  .  20 

    3.5.3二沉池设计草图  .  21 

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