


    毕业论文关键词:除尘设备  循环流化床锅炉  电除尘器

    700 t / h Coal-fired Boiler Flue Gas Dust-removal Equipment Selection and Design


    It is very necessary and urgent to control smoke pollution of our country due to the serious air pollution and poor efficiency of the dust removal equipment. This is the design for coal-fired boiler flue gas dust removal equipment selection. The model and parameters of the boiler were selected according to the rated evaporation of coal fired boiler. According to the characteristics of selected coals, the coal consumption, the volume of flue gas and the dust concentration of the flue gas were calculated. The dust removal efficiency was calculated according to the flue gas emission standard of coal fired boiler. Electric dust collector was selected through the analysis of the existing types of efficient dust collector in our country and their dust removal efficiency. The size of each part of the electrostatic precipitator was calculated according to the requirements. The main view, the left view and the inlet flange of the electric dust collector was drawn.

    Key Words: Dust removal equipment  a circulating fluidized bed boiler  electrostatic precipitator

    目  录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    表清单 IV

    1 引言 1

    1.1 国内空气污染状况分析 1

    1.2 除尘设备的应用现状 1

    1.3 排放标准 2

    2 设计内容 2

    2.1 设计说明 2

    2.2 锅炉分类 3

    2.3 锅炉及煤种的确定 4

    3 除尘设备的概述 5

    3.1 除尘器的分类 5

    3.2 除尘器性能指标 5

    3.3 各类除尘器的特点和使用范围 6

    4 除尘设备的选型与设计 7

    4.1 耗煤量、烟气量及含尘浓度的计算 7

    4.2 除尘器类型的选择 10

    4.3 电除尘器的设计 10

    5 主要部件图 16

    6 总结 16

    参考文献 19

    致谢 20


    表序号 表名称 页码

    表2-1 根据蒸汽压高低的锅炉分类方法 3

    表2-2 根据容量的锅炉分类方法

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