
    摘要:本文主要介绍了用透明质酸修饰聚乙烯亚胺微囊的研究,再将制备的微囊负载广谱抗肿瘤药物阿霉素(DOX), 并考察药物的负载与释放特性。对于用透明质酸修饰聚乙烯亚胺微囊的制备有多种的途径,经试验证明,我们采用如下途径:HA分子上的羧基首先活化形成HA活性酯,在与PEI分子上的氨基反应,形成HA接枝的PEI,之后HA-PEI水溶液与环己烷形成乳液,再加入交联剂SC,形成微囊,结果表明:该路线制备的微囊形态规整呈球形,重现性好.而且还研究了聚乙烯亚胺浓度、聚乙烯亚胺用量、交联剂用量以及表面活性剂用量这四个影响因素对聚乙烯亚胺微囊制备的影响大小,实验表明:(1)交联剂与表面活性剂加入量不变的情况下,随着PEI浓度的增大,微胶囊的直径也逐渐增大,在5%的PEI溶液达到最大值,约为4.7-6.5μm;(2)在水溶液浓度一定时加大交联剂癸二酰氯的用量同样会引起微囊粒径的增大;表面活性剂的减少也会引起微囊的增大;(3)PEI水溶液与环己烷的体积比也影响形成微囊的大小:体积比越小,制备的微囊粒径越小;(4)用透明质酸修饰过的聚乙烯亚胺微囊有着良好的载药性能。48961

    毕业论文关键字: 透明质酸(HA);聚乙烯亚胺(PEI);微囊;阿霉素(DOX);交联剂(SC);表面活性剂

    Study on the Preparation of PEI/ HA-PEI MCs and Drug Release Properties

    Abstract: In this paper,we describes the use of hyaluronic acid modification of polyethyleneimine microcapsules, microcapsules and then load broad-spectrum anticancer drugs doxorubicin preparation and inspect the load and the drug release characteristics. For the preparation of microcapsules,we have polyethyleneimine of hyaluronic acid-modified variety of ways, the test proved that we have adopted the following way: First, carboxyl HA molecule activation HA active esters formed in the reaction with the PEI molecule amino, the formation of HA-grafted PEI, then HA-PEI solution and cyclohexane to form an emulsion, and then adding a crosslinking agent SC, the formation of microcapsules, results showed: microencapsulated form of the spherical regular route prepared has good reproducibility. We also study the concentration of polyethyleneimine, polyethyleneimine amount of crosslinking agent and surfactant concentration . the experiment showed that: (1) cross-linking agent to lower the amount of surfactant is added to the same case, as the PEI concentration increased, the diameter of the microcapsules increases gradually, in a 5% solution of PEI reached a maximum of about 4.7 ~ 6.5μm; (2) when the concentration of the aqueous solution to increase a certain amount of the crosslinking agent is sebacoyl chloride will cause the same increase in the particle size of the microcapsules; reducing surfactants can also cause an increase in the microcapsules; (3) PEI aqueous solutions with cyclohexane volume ratio also affects the size of the microcapsules formed: the smaller the volume, the smaller microcapsule particle preparation; (4) the hyaluronic acid modified polyethylenimine microcapsules have good drug loading properties.

    Key words: Hyaluronic acid(HA); Polyethyleneimine(PEI); Microcapsules; Doxorubicin(DOX);  Crosslinking agent(SC);  Surfactant

    目 录

    1 引言 1

    1.1 聚乙烯亚胺 1

    1.2 微囊 2

    1.3 PEI及NIPAAm 3

    1.4 交联剂 4

    1.5 透明质酸的结构及性质 5

    1.6 HA及其衍生物 6

    1.7 合成的目的和意义 7

    2 实验部分

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