
    摘要: 用1,4-丁二醇、三聚甲醛、二氯甲烷以及氯化亚砜合成了1,4-二氯甲氧基丁烷,并用所合成的物质对聚苯乙烯交联小球成功的进行了氯甲基化改性,得到氯甲基化聚苯乙烯交联小球(简称氯球)。本实验以三甲胺、三乙烯四胺为主原料,考察了胺化氯球过程中各种因素的影响规律,优化出该合成反应最适宜的条件及溶剂用量。实验结果表明,三甲胺胺化反应的最适宜的条件是三甲胺:20mL、树脂:3g、反应时间:24h、反应温度:34℃;三乙烯四胺胺化反应的最适宜条件是三乙烯四胺:20mL、树脂:3g、反应时间:12h、反应温度:50℃。红外检测表明所制备的氯甲基化聚苯乙烯交联小球可以被三甲胺和三乙烯四胺所氨基化,从而得到高交换容量的离子交换树脂。48953


    Surface modification of ion-exchange resins

    Abstract: Using 1,4-butanediol, trioxane, dichloromethane and thionyl chloride synthesized 1,4-bis(chloromethoxyl) butane, and the synthetic material of crosslinked polystyrene microspheres success for the chloromethylation reaction and get chloromethylated crosslinking polystyrene microspheres (hereinafter referred to as chloromethyl). In this experiment, trimethylamine and triethylene tetramine as main raw materials. The effects of the amination chlorine ball in the process of various factors were investigated, optimized the synthesis reaction is the most suitable conditions and the amount of solvent.The experimental results show that the trimethylamine amination reaction of the optimum conditions is trimethylamine: 20ml, resin: 3g, reaction time: 24h, reaction temperature: 34℃; triethylenetetramine amination reaction the most appropriate conditions is triethylenetetramine: 20ml, resin: 3g, reaction time: 12h, reaction temperature: 50℃.The infrared detection indicated that the prepared chlorine methyl polystyrene crosslinked microsphere can be amino modified by the four amine and three ethylene, thereby obtaining the high exchange capacity of the ion exchange resin.

    Keyword: polystyrene resin;grafting modification;chloromethylation;trimethylamine;triethylenetetramine

     目  录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 离子交换概述 1

    1.2 离子交换树脂分类 1

    1.2.1 根据合成方法来分,可以分为缩聚型和加聚型 1

    1.2.2 根据树脂的孔结构,可分为凝胶型和大孔型离子交换树脂。 1

    1.2.3 根据所带的离子化基团的不同,可分类为阳离子交换树脂、阴离子交换树脂和两性交换树脂。 2

    1.3 离子交换树脂结构与组成 3

    1.3.1 结构 3

    1.3.2 吸附树脂的结构 3

    1.4 离子交换树脂表面改性 4

    1.4.1 胺化改性 4

    1.4.2 磺化改性 4

    1.4.3 烷基化改性 4


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