

    毕业论文关键词: 纳米镍;纳米氢氧化镍;液相还原;润滑油脂;摩擦磨损 

    Study on synthesis of nano nickel

    And the characteristics on its nano grease

    Abstract: By controlling the reaction conditions, different classes, different particle size synthesized nano-Ni, Ni (OH)2. Using an infrared spectrometer to test the product, and then on the friction and wear tests and four-ball test instrument to measure nano-Ni, Ni (OH)2 added to the impact of friction and wear properties and amount of the base oil after these properties were investigated, and select the best anti-friction wear size. The results showed that:(1) Nano-Nickel: When the reaction temperature is 75℃, reaction time 2h, the molar ratio of nickel acetate and hydrazine hydrate is 1:9.37, the highest yield was obtained 75.34 percent. By infrared spectroscopy analysis of the product, and on the friction and wear tester and four-ball tester, determination of nickel nanoparticles added to the friction and wear properties of the base oil after results showed that: nano Nickel 1.5% (wt%), the wear is best (2): nano nickel hydroxide: reaction temperature is 70℃, reaction time was 1h, diluted with water ratio of 1:7, the higher the yield was 75.82%. The product was analyzed by infrared spectroscopy, and examine the impact of adding friction and wear properties and amount of the base oil after the performance will be. The results showed that the nano-nickel hydroxide containing 1.5% (wt%), the best anti-wear. Test base oil: 1.5% (wt%) of nano-nickel hydroxide is added to the base oil was added to the base oil and T202 in the largest non-card bite load PB, PB results show that the value of the base oil is added after T202 maximum. Finally, determine the effect of friction and chemical properties of both the amount of nano-nickel hydroxide and T202 compound after the friction and wear properties of the base oil, the results showed that when adding 1.5% (wt%) of nano nickel hydroxide and add 1 % (wt%) T202 compound, the best anti-wear effect of oil.

    Key words: nickel nanoparticles; nanometer nickel hydroxide; T202; grease; antiwear

     目  录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 本课题的研究背景 1

    1.2 润滑油添加剂和纳米材料 2

    1.3 纳米微粒作为润滑油脂添加剂的研究进展 2


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