


    The study of metal surface paint remover

    Abstract: Metal protective and decorative coatings used during the inevitable, but if the coating is damaged, you will need to remove the old paint to re-paint. Strippers stripping formula and the effect on the substrate to be reckoned with, a suitable paint remover for processing a substrate is very important. This paper studies a variety of formulations paint remover, paint remover by changing the kind of recipe, recipe content, as well as under the control of ambient temperature and stirred for paint stripping and other factors to the study of the substrate surface paint stripping effect. The results show that: N-hexyl alcohol was added 18ml dichloroethane main solvent stripping formulations, 15ml n-butyric acid and 5ml of liquid paraffin will have better stripping effect lacquer ; On this basis will hexanol instead of n-butanol to give the new paint stripping formulations: 100ml dichloroethane, 15ml of n-butanol and 5ml liquid paraffin, this formulation has a better effect of stripping; To reduce the use of organic solvents, can be 20ml20% sodium hydroxide, 10ml and 70ml distilled water, diethylene glycol butyl ether formulations, the aqueous formulation of lacquer surface iron has the best stripping results.

    KeyWords:paint remover;dichloroethane;n-hexanol;n-butyl alcohol;n-butyric acid;liquid paraffin

    目  录

    1绪论 1

    1.1 脱漆剂的简介 1

    1.2脱漆剂在弹药表面维修处理中的应用 1

    1.2.1施工技术 1

    1.2.2弹药表面维修中脱漆剂的使用状况 1

    1.3桥梁钢结构脱漆技术发展现状 2

    1.3.1桥梁脱漆技术进展 2

    1.3.2现有脱漆剂应用于桥梁脱漆的不足之处 2

    1.4脱漆剂的分类 3

    1.4.1碱性脱漆剂 3

    1.4.2酸性脱漆剂 3

    1.4.3溶剂型脱漆剂 3

    1.5脱漆剂的研究进展 3

    1.5.1国内脱漆剂的研究进展 3

    1.5.2国外脱漆剂的研究进展 4

    1.6脱漆剂的使用 5

    1.7论文的工作 5

    2实验内容 6

    2.1实验药品及仪器 6


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