    关键词: 阳离子交换树脂;磺酸盐测定法;元素分析法;硫碳分析法;硫含量;性能
    The Measurement and Analysis of Sulfonate cation exchange resin
    Abstract: Research purpose of this experiment is to determine the content of sulfonate cation exchange resin evaluation and determination of exchange performance. In the production process instead of switching capacity of this cumbersome and inefficient method, more rapid guidance of the process and production, prepared by the new process the cationic resin in styrene sulfonate Determination method, to arrive at a determination of the most accurate and convenient method; through different production method of styrene white balls with different styrene sulfonate measurement method of the white ball sulfur carbon content were measured and analyzed; elemental analysis; carbon sulfur analyzer method; precipitation and acid-base titration; analysis showed that the use of carbon-sulfur analyzer method can be more accurate determination of the content of salt, but the relative costs than high; prepared using different methods by measuring styrene sulfonate cation exchange resin content and the determination of their various properties (such as hardness testing, acid and alkali resistance, thermal stability, infrared testing, etc.) to analyze the relationship between to determine the feasibility of the process through the freshly prepared.
    Keywords: Cation exchange resin;sulfonate assay;Element Analysis;Sulfur carbon analysis;Sulfur content;function
    1绪论    1
    1.1 离子交换树脂的概述    1
    1.2 阳离子交换树脂的概述    1
    1.3 强酸型阳离子交换树脂的概述    2
    1.4 阳离子交换树脂磺酸盐测定方法的概述    2
    1.5 研究意义及目的    3
    2实验    4
    2.1原料和仪器    4
    2.2 乙烯基磺酸盐-苯乙烯聚合原理    5
    2.3 苯乙烯阳离子交换树脂的磺酸盐的测定原理    5
    2.3.1 元素分析法原理    5
    2.3.2 硫碳分析法原理    6
    2.3.3 沉淀法原理    6
    2.4 乙烯基磺酸盐-苯乙烯的磺酸盐的测定    6
    2.4.1 元素分析法    6
    2.4.2 硫碳分析仪法    6
    2.4.3 其他方法    7
    2.5 乙烯基磺酸盐-苯乙烯的性能测试    8
    2.5.1 物理性能的测试    8
    2.5.2 化学性能的测试    10
    3结果与讨论    12
    3.1 阳离子树脂磺酸盐测定方法的选择    12
    3.1.1 影响高频红外硫碳分析法的因素    12
    3.1.2影响元素分析分析法的因素    14
    3.2 不同工艺条件下磺酸基含量的分析与比较    15
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