



    Title    The research of detonating fuse’s application      


    Detonating fuse is a important part of the device which can detonate the explosive.It is reliable to transmit the detonation and it is also simple and convenient to be operated.This article research two manufacturing processes of the detonating fuse,the manufacture of the common detonating fuse and the metal 

    detonating fuse.This article also measure the detonation velocity and study     the factor which influence the detonation velocity.The factor include diameter,density,explosive type,temperature,coated materials,bended angle and analyse the influence of the six aspects.In addition,two applications of the detonating are researched,which include transmitting the detonation and expanding the detonation,and also study the best condition of expanding the detonation.

    Keywords:detonating fuse;manufacture;detonation velocity;transmit the detonation;expand the detonation

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  导爆索的发展历程及现状 1

    1.2  几种实用导爆索的分类 1

    1.3  导爆索的几种应用 3

    2  导爆索的结构设计和工艺 5

    2.1  普通纤维外壳导爆索的结构与工艺 5

    2.1.1  普通导爆索的结构 5

    2.1.2  普通导爆索的工艺 5

    2.2  柔性金属壳导爆索的结构设计和工艺 7

    2.2.1  金属导爆索的结构 7

    2.2.2  金属导爆索的工艺 7

    3  导爆索爆速的测定与影响因素的分析 10

    3.1  爆速的测定方法的探讨 10

    3.2  靶线法测定爆速的原理 11

    3.3  靶距的选择 11

    3.4  不同条件下爆速的测量及分析 11

    3.4.1  相同条件下不同装药类型的爆速 11

    3.4.2  相同条件下不同直径的爆速 12

    3.4.3  相同条件下不同装药密度的爆速 13

    3.4.4  相同条件下不同温度的爆速 13

    3.4.5  相同条件下不同约束条件的爆速 14

    3.4.6  相同条件下不同弯曲角度的爆速 14

    3.5  爆速测量实验结论 14

    4  导爆索的实际应用 16

    4.1  导爆索的传爆作用

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