    摘要印染废水一般具有高浓度、高色度、成分复杂、难降解的特点,是一种典型难降解的高浓度有机废水。如果未经处理严重超标排放,高浓度、难降解的印染废水会严重影响水质,而且废水的高染色性也会对人们的生活环境造成困扰。传统的生化处理技术难以将废水处理到达标排放,所以在生化处理之前,采用一种高效、经济、适用的预处理技术,对印染废水的降解处理具有重要意义。 本文以实验室配制的 1000mg/L亚甲基蓝模拟废水为研究对象,探究微电解和 Fenton反应技术各实验参数对预处理效果的影响。通过上述实验研究和理论分析,得到以下结果:微电解法能有效的脱色降解模拟废水,其最佳反应条件为:当初始 pH为3,铸铁屑投加量为 15g/L,铁碳比为 1:1,反应时间为 90min 时,MB 和色度去除率分别能达到76.05%和88.89%,COD 去除率也能达到 55.59%;Fenton 法能进一步脱色降解模拟废水,将微电解处理后的废水作为 Fenton 法处理对象,其最佳反应条件是,初始 pH为2~3,反应时间为20~30min,每升废水中30%H2O2投加量为 3mL,FeSO4·7H2O投加量为0.5g,MB和COD去除率分别达到 90%和50%左右。两段工艺处理废水时,B/C 比能从0.26提升至 0.48。在动态实验中,当处理进水 pH 为 2.5、浓度为 1000mg/L 的亚甲基蓝模拟废水,进水流速为 9mL/min,3%H2O2的进药流速为 0.6mL/min,反应区总停留时间为 2.5h左右,MB去除率能达到 60%以上。42431        
    毕业论文关键词 印染废水  微电解  Fenton反应  亚甲基蓝
    Title   Study on Treatment of Dye Wastewater by Combined Process   Using Micro-electrolysis and Fenton Oxidation   
     Abstract Dye wastewater is a typical kind of factory wastewater with high concentration, high  chroma, complicated component and low degradability. If  enterprises discharge pollutant beyond standards, it will seriously affect water quality, and the feature of high dyeing will cause more problems on  people’s living environment.  Traditional biochemical processing method  is difficult to deal with wastewater  to get the  discharge standards, so before the biological treatment, the study  of an efficient, economical and suitable pretreatment technology, degradation of dyeing wastewater has important significance. It would be 1000mg/L Methylene blue solution prepared for the study as simulated wastewater, and explore the impact of the parameters on effect of pretreatment using micro-electrolysis technology and Fenton reaction. By the experiments and theoretical analysis, the results followed: iron-carbon method have an obvious effect on the treatment of dyeing wastewater. The best treatment conditions are as follows:  when the best pH,  dosage of scrap iron,  ratio of Fe/C and the reaction time are 3,15g,1:1 and 90min respectively, MB, COD and Chroma removal rate are 76.05%,55.59% and88.89% respectively; Fenton method have an further effect on the treatment. The best conditions are as follows: when the best pH, dosage  of 30%H2O2, dosage of FeSO4·7H2O  and the reaction time are 2  to 3,3mL/L,0.5g/L and 20 to 30min respectively, MB and COD removal rate are about 90% and 50% respectively. B/C ratio also increased from 0.26 to 0.48. In dynamic experiments, when the influent flow rate was 9mL/min with pH 2.5, a flow rate of 3%H2O2 was 0.6mL/min, the total residence time of reaction zone was 2.5h, MB removal rate could reach 60% or more.   
    Keywords   Dyeing wastewater    Micro-electrolysis    Fenton reaction   Methylene blue







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