    Preparation of anti adhesion agent of organic silicon
    Abstract: Organic materials have been paid more and more attention in the application of modern industry. Because of their different structure and properties, the organic materials can be used to improve the performance of inorganic materials or exert their own performance to meet the requirements of industrial production, so it is necessary to study the organic materials. Organic coating is using organic materials in the traditional coating process using them to improve the performance of the coating and coating type. Compared with traditional coating, it can show more functionality, such as non slip, anti corrosion, anti adhesion and so on, while the organic coating can be used to achieve a more harmonious and harmonious effect. Combined with ordinary coating, the combination of the chemical reaction can better combine. The research direction of organic coatings have how to improve their performance, enhance the scope of use, optimize the use of conditions, overcome the use of restrictions, and the micro structure of the surface of the substrate, the use of organic coating formulations, etc.. Preparation of coating methods and conditions on the properties of the coating also has certain influence. In this study, the performance of silicone coating were certain tests and from the formula and method of coating on the properties of the coating were improved.
    KeyWords:Organic silicon,;anti-corrosion; anti adhesion; smooth surface; wear resistance
    目 录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  有机硅涂层    1                                                  
    1.1.1  有机硅涂层简介    1                                           
    1.1.2  有机硅涂层的制备    1                             
    1.1.3  有机硅涂层的应用    1                                      
    1.1.4  有机硅涂层的展望    2    
    1.2   交联剂    2
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