    CTAB/GO-COOLA/GCE修饰电极同时检测DA和UA的研究摘要:裸玻碳电极(GCE)表面覆盖金属镧制成的羧酸盐氧化石墨烯/镧改性电极(GO-COOLa / GCE)。使用羧酸盐氧化石墨烯/镧改性电极,加入表面活性剂十751烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)通过循环伏安法(CV)、微分脉冲伏安法(DPV)同时检测多巴胺(DA)、尿酸(UA)。本篇论文还探究了几种影响因素对于氧化石墨烯/镧改性电极(GO-COOLa / GCE)测定时的影响,如pH、,扫描速度。由于氧化石墨烯羧酸盐和镧离子的结合,氧化石墨烯/镧改性电极(GO-COOLa / GCE)在电氧化DA、UA时,传感器显出选择性优良和高催化性能等优点,在加入适量CTAB溶液后,其灵敏度与选择性更加优良。此外,这个修饰电极成功地用于检测DA、UA的尿液和血清样本,显示出其在实际样品中的应用价值。39442
    毕业论文关键词:羧酸盐氧化石墨烯, 镧, 多巴胺, 尿酸, 玻碳电极,十751烷基三甲基溴化铵
    CTAB/GO - COOLA/GCE electrode detection of DA and UA research at the same time
    Abstract: A bare glassy carbon electrode (GCE) was reformed by carboxylated graphene oxide/lanthanum, and the modified electrode,called GO-COOLa/GCE.Using carboxylate graphene/lanthanum oxide modified electrodes,adding surfactant cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV)  detected dopamine (DA),uric acid (UA).This paper also explores several affecting factors for graphene/lanthanum oxide modified electrode (GO - COOLa/GCE) , such as pH, and scanning speed.Becausa of the graphene oxide carboxylic acid salt combineing with lanthanum ion, when I used graphene/lanthanum oxide modified electrode (GO - COOLa/GCE) on the electrooxidation of DA, UA, sensor show the advantages of good selectivity and high catalytic performance.  Adding suitable amount of CTAB solution, the electrode becaume more excellent sensitivity and selectivity.In addition, the modified electrodes successfully used in the detection of  urine and serum samples, that is application value in the actual samples.
    KeyWords:Carboxylate graphene, lanthanum oxide, dopamine, uric acid, glassy carbon electrode,cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide
    目 录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  化学修饰电极    1                                                  
    1.1.1  化学修饰电极简    1                                           
    1.1.2  化学修饰电极的制备    1                             
    1.1.3  化学修饰电极的应用    1                                      
    1.1.4  化学修饰电极的展望    2    
    1.2   玻碳电极    2
    1.2.1  玻碳电极简介    2
    1.2.2  修饰电极    3 化学修饰电极在离子色谱中的应用    3                        化学传感器    3                                                
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