    Study on the regularity of the solid fat structure of solid lipid particles formed sunscreen
    Abstract: The contents of the research include the effects of the ester solid lipid structure of alcohol, acid on the particle size, PDI and the potential of the solid lipid sunscreen particles ; The effect of solid lipid structure on the properties of solid lipid sunscreen particulate system; And the effect of solid lipid structure on the light stability of solid lipid particulate system. The results show that the solid lipid particles prepared by solid lipid are uniform., Potential values were more than 30mV, PDI values are less than 0.5, The stability of the system is good.. The synergistic effect of the absorption of the solid lipid particles and sunscreen agent, The synergistic effect of the absorption of the solid lipid particles and sunscreen agent, Therefore, the sunscreen properties of the solid lipid sunscreen system is superior to the ordinary sunscreen emulsion., With carbon chain growth, The absorbance of the solid lipid sunscreen system decreased gradually. Because the solid lipid particles have the inhibition effect on sunscreen, The stability of the solid lipid sunscreen system is higher than that of the ordinary sunscreen emulsion., In the system of the solid lipid sunscreen particles ester, alcohols and acids, The light stability of esters is the best., Followed by alcohols, Finally acids.
    Keywords: Solid lipid; sunscreen properties; light stability; particle size; PDI; potential.
    1 前言    1
    1.1 固体脂质微粒的研究背景    1
    1.2固体脂质防晒微粒的组成及制备    1
    1.2.1 固态脂质防晒乳液的组成    1
    1.2.2固态脂质防晒乳液的制备    1
    1.2.3 高能乳化法    2
    1.2.4低能乳化法    2
    1.3 固体脂质防晒微粒的发展前景    3
    1.4 本课题的研究目的和意义    4
    2 实验内容    5
    2.1 实验拟使用的原料试剂和实验设备    5
    2.1.1 实验拟使用的原料试剂    5
    2.1.2 实验拟使用的实验设备    6
    2.2 实验方法    7
    2.2.1 固体脂质防晒乳液配方。    7
    2.2.2 固体脂质防晒粒的粒径、PDI与电位的测定    8
    2.2.3 固体脂质防晒乳液防晒性的测定    8
    2.2.4 固体脂质防晒乳液光照稳定性的测试    8
    3.结果与讨论    9
    3.1 固体脂质防晒微粒的粒径大小、PDI及电位    9
    3.1.1脂肪醇的粒径大小、PDI及电位    9
    3.1.2 脂肪酸的粒径大小、PDI及电位    11
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