    毕业论文关键词: 充气膜结构;烟气;压力;能见度;CO浓度
    Inflatable Membrane Structure Characteristics Of Fire Smoke Movement
    Abstract:The new type of large space structure of inflatable membrane has been used more and more, while its fire prevention and control is obviously insufficient. In this paper, the smoke movement and spreading characteristics of the large space inflatable membrane structures under different fire scenes are studied by using the fire simulation software FDS.. The under the most unfavorable setting principles of the four different fire scene, fire location are respectively arranged in the structure at the center, the center to the edge of the 1 / 2, close to the membrane wall and door, focuses on the analysis of different scenarios of fire smoke movement characteristics. The results of the numerical simulation show that the change of fire source location influences the gas flow in the pneumatic film structure and its large.. In the vicinity of the source at the vertical height of the highest point of the relative pressure, flue gas temperature and CO concentration rising speed is very fast and relatively high value, smoke layer height and visibility will be decreased to the lowest. Away from the fire temperature and CO concentration of the rise slowly, visibility relative to the other regions of higher. The research results of this paper can provide a reference for the safety evacuation of the inflatable membrane structure, and provide a favorable reference for the study of the pneumatic membrane structure security.
    KeyWords: Inflatable membrane structure;Smoke;Pressure; Visibility;The concentration of CO
    第1章 绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.1.1 充气膜火灾的发展特性    1
    1.1.2 烟气的定义及危害    2
    1.1.3 研究的目的及意义    3
    1.2 国内外研究现状    4
    1.3 本文研究内容和方法    5
    第2章 充气膜结构火灾烟气运动的基本理论方法    6
    2.1 大空间火灾烟气的基础理论和方法    6
    2.1.1 基本方程组    6
    2.1.2 流动相似理论    6
    2.1.3 燃烧方程    8
    2.2  FDS的基本理论和方法    8
    第3章 充气膜结构数值模拟实验方案    10
    3.1 场景设计各类假设条件    10
    3.2 充气膜结构建筑总概况    12
    3.3 充气膜结构建筑FDS建模    13
    3.3.1 充气膜结构建筑网格设置    13
    3.3.2 充气膜结构建筑边界面设置    13
    3.3.3 充气膜结构建筑火源设置    14
    3.3.4 充气膜结构建筑风机设置    16
    3.3.5 充气膜结构建筑火灾场景的设置    17
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