    摘要:松节油是从松科植物中提取得到的一种天然精油,是一种重要的工业原料。本文以松树松脂为原料,分别采用挥发油提取装置(竖式)及双重水蒸气蒸馏装置(横式)提取松节油。在水蒸气蒸馏的提取过程中,通过对松树松脂前处理、提取过程中液料比和反应温度等条件的优化,确定优化的提取条件:竖式为在温度不变的情况下,液料比20:1时未处理松节油产率最佳;横式为在一定温度下,超声前处理(前处理条件为液料比2.5:1、超声10min)松节油产率最高。同时采用气相、薄层色谱、气质联用等方法分析鉴定不同提取条件下的松节油产品,并进行相应的抗氧化性能测试,初步考察松节油产品结构与性能之间关系。结果表明松节油产品中低沸点馏分主要为以α-蒎烯为主的萜烯类化合物(总量约80%),高沸点馏分中还含有较多的石竹烯、长叶烯、松油醇、γ- 松油烯等化合物,这些物质可能使高沸点松节油馏分的抗氧化能力明显高于低沸点馏分。37011
    毕业论文关键词:  松节油;水蒸气蒸馏提取;抗氧化性能;GC-MS
    The research of extraction of turpentine oil and its oxidation resistance
    Abstract:Turpentine is a kind of natural oil which is extracted from pinaceae plants. It is an important industrial raw material. This article was studied on the extraction of turpentine oil. The pine oleoresin was used as raw material, adopting the volatile oil extraction device (vertical) and the double extraction steam distillation device (horizontal). In the process of water vapor distillation extraction, a better reaction condition was determined through the process before pine rosin, turpentine oil extraction material ration, reaction temperature and so on. The optimum extraction condition was determined:  with vertical in constant temperature, a solid-liquid ratio of 20:1 untreated turpentine yield has the best yield; horizontal, under a certain temperature and ultrasonic treatment (before treatment and solid-liquid ratio 2.5:1,ultrasonic 10min) of turpentine oil yield is the highest. At the same time, the use of Gas chromatograph(GC), thin layer chromatography, and Gas chromatograph-mass spectrometry(GC-MS)  was used to identify the different extraction conditions of turpentine, and with the test of the corresponding antioxidant performance, the relationship between  structure and properties of turpentine oil products were studied. The results have shown that the turpentine products of low boiling fraction mainly dominated by alpha pinene terpene compounds (a total of about 80%) and high boiling fraction have more caryophyllene, Longifolene, loose oleylalcohol, gamma Terpinene and other compounds, and apparently these compounds make turpentine high boiling fraction of antioxidant ability higher than the low boiling fraction.
    Keywords: Turpentine oil; steam distillation extraction; antioxidant properties; GC-MS
     目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 文献综述    1
    1.1.1 松节油    1
    1.1.2 松节油的分类及性质    1
    1.1.3 松节油的生产    1
    1.1.4 松节油的应用    2
    1.1.5 松节油的国内外现状及发展动向    3
    1.1.6 从松树松油脂中提取松节油的方法    4
    1.1.7 抗氧化能力的检测方法    5
    1.2 本课题立题意义和主要研究内容    7
    1.2.1 选题意义    7
    1.2.2 主要研究内容    7
    2 实验    8
    2.1 实验试剂与仪器    8
    2.1.1 实验试剂    8
    2.1.2 实验仪器    8
    2.2 试剂配制    9
    2.2.1 配制DPPH溶液    9
    2.2.2 配制ABTS+溶液    9
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