    The study of black liquid of papermaking treatment
    Abstract: Pulping papermaking is an important industry of national economy in China, however, black liquor is the main pollutant emitted by paper mill. At present , the liquid-waste treatment technology applications have been relatively mature in the pulp mill at home and abroad. But due to the low calorific value of black liquor, high silicon and ash content and difficult operation of alkali recovery, greatly increased the difficulty of governance on manufacturers which with grass as material.
        We took the pulping black liquor of papermaking as raw material, It achieved circular economy of reusing waste resources and was experimented and researched, for addition of the process of lignin extraction and carbonate ions converted into calcium carbonate in black liquor liquid-waste treatment. The preparation of lignin was used acid precipitation. Extracted lignin by acidification, filtration, washing, drying and other methods. By constantly trying to find the best acid conditions of the lignin precipitation effect. Lignin precipitation can reach 90% when PH=3. According to the national standard, the pH of discharging industrial wastewater need to be more than 7. The lignin filtrate was modulated from acidic to alkaline by the cheap CaO, and then added CO2 to crystallized CaCO3. Finally, the treatment of liquid-waste by physical methods such as adsorption sedimentation.
    Key words: the black liquor of papermaking; lignin; acidic; calcium; carbonate discharge
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 开题依据    1
    1.2 造纸黒液    1
    1.2.1 造纸黒液性状    1
    1.2.2 造纸黑液的危害    1
    1.2.3 造纸黑液处理现状    2
    1.3木质素的提取方法    2
    1.3.1 碱析法    3
    1.3.2 酸析法    4
    1.3.3 絮凝沉淀法    4
    1.3.4 超滤法    4
    1.4碳酸钙的提取方法    4
    1.4.1 Ca(OH)2—H2O—CO2反应系统    5
    1.4.2 Ca2+—R—CO32-反应系统    6
    1.4.3 3Ca2+-H2O-CO32-反应系统    6
    1.5 废水处理    7
    1.5.1 废水排放标准    7
    1.5.2 废水指标    8
    1.5.3 废水处理方法    9
    1.6课题的来源、研究意义及内容    10
    1.6.1 课题的来源    10
    1.6.2 课题的研究意义    10
    1.6.3 课题的研究内容    11
    2  实验部分    12
    2.1 实验原料与仪器设备    12
    2.1.1 实验原料    12
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