    The environmental behavior of acetochlor in soil
    Student majoring in The Application of Chemistry HongjieLiu
    Tutor Hong Yang
    Abstract: Acetochlor is one of the most active herbicides in amide herbicides,which is widely used in China. In this paper,the environmental behavior of acetochlor in soil was studied, including its migration in the soil and the leaching behavior.The process of migration of the pesticide is lateral movement in the soil environment,due to the irregular movement of pesticide. While the process of leaching of the pesticide is longitudinal movement in the soil environment, due to the flowing water or gravity resulted in acetochlor trickle down. The stronger the soil adsorption, the pesticide is the more difficult to move. To measure the mobile performance index of the acetochlor in the soil, we chose the soil thin layer chromatography to compare with the reference pesticide mobile performance classification through calculating the shift value (Rf). The Rfvalue of acetochlor is 0.34. Finally,we came to a conclusion that the acetochlor belongs to weak mobility pesticide, and its mobile grade is II. We chose soil column leaching to evaluate the leaching characteristics of acetochlor in the soil, according to the distribution of acetochlor in soil column and elute. The main source of acetochlor in environment is the use of the pesticide,which does great harm to human health. But the pesticide is one of the indispensable in modern agricultural production and plays a very important role. So the study of environmental behavior of acetochlor in soils is of very vital significance.
    Key words: Acetochlor; soil; environmental behavior; thin layer chromatography; column leaching
    目  录

    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    引言    1
    1材料与方法    2
    1.1仪器与试剂    2
    1.1.1仪器    2
    1.1.2试剂及材料    2
    1.2实验方法    3
    1.2.1薄层层析实验    3
    1.2.2土柱淋溶实验    3
    1.2.3高效液相色谱检测条件    4
    2结果与分析    4
    2.1土柱淋溶实验    4
    2.1.1土柱淋溶水样曲线    4
    2.1.2土柱淋溶土样曲线      5
    2.2 薄层层析实验    6
    3讨论    7
    3.1薄层层析实验注意事项    7
    3.2提取步骤注意事项    7
    3.3HPLC注意事项    7
    3.4土柱淋溶实验注意事项    8
    4结论    8
    致谢    8
    参考文献    8
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