
    The main contents of the design : Determination of process flow, design and calculation of the structures of sewage treatment, sludge treatment structures, the calculation of wastewater treatment plant of plane and elevation layout, accessory building and equipment selection. The main structures in a grid, pumping station, aerated grit tank, SBR reactor, disinfection tank, sludge thickening tank, sludge dewatering workshop. Design completed a total design specification, sewage treatment plant, general layout of a biological cell plane,profile of a sewage treatment plant, sewage and sludge flow elevation map,and optionally four other structures of the plane, profile, a total of 8 pictures of A2 converted into. The size of the sewage treatment plant for 50000m ³ /d, a relatively small amount of effluent treatment, required to achieve "urban sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standard" (GB 18918 - 2002) in the two standards, SBR method that selected can removal nitrogen and phosphorus effectively[14].
    Design material: a town sewage emissions for every 50000m ³, water quality according to the following considerations: CODcr ≤ 330mg/L, BOD5 ≤ 185mg/L, SS ≤ 320mg/L, N ≤ 40 NH3 - mg/L, TN ≤ 50 mg/L, TP ≤ 6 mg/L (the above data can be referred to relevant data to determine).
    To achieve "urban sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standard of water requirements" (GB 18918-2002) in the two standards: COD ≤ 100mg ≤ L-, BOD 30mg L-, SS ≤ 30mg ≤ L-, NH3-N 25mg L-, TN ≤ 20mg ≤ L-, TP 2.0mg L-.
    Based on the design:
    1) design task book
    2) engineering data
    3) corresponding design standard
    《Urban sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standard"》(GB 18918-2002)
    《Urban sewage treatment plant subsidiary buildings and equipment design standards"》(GJ31 - 89)
    4) manual
    《Sewage treatment plant process design manual》 (The Second Edition)
    After treatment, water quality prediction of COD ≤ 100mg ≤ L-, BOD 30mg L-, SS ≤ 30mg ≤ L-, NH3-N 25mg L-, TN ≤ 20mg ≤ L-, TP 2.0mg L-. To achieve 《urban sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standard》 (GB18918-2002) in the two standards.
    Key words: sequencing batch reactor activated sludge process; activated sludge; nitrogen and phosphorus removal; sewage treatment

    目 录
    1 背景介绍及设计资料.1
     1.1 背景介绍.1
     1.2 设计资料.1
     1.3 设计依据.2
    2 方案论证.3
     2.1 方案的比较.3
      2.1.1 工艺流程选取原则3
      2.1.2 本设计的特点3
      2.1.3 工艺流程比较3
     2.2 方案选择.5
    3 设计.6
     3.1 粗格栅.6
     3.2 提升泵.7
     3.3 细格栅.8
     3.4 曝气沉砂池.9
     3.5 SBR池.10
     3.6 滗水器12
     3.7 污泥系统计算12
     3.8 消毒池计算15
     3.9 处理效果预测16
    4 污水厂总体布置17
     4.1 厂址的选择17
      4.1.1 厂址选择基本原则.17
     4.2 主要构筑物与附属构筑物17
     4.3 污水厂平面布置18
      4.3.1 污水厂平面布置设计原则.18
     4.4 污水厂高程布置19
      4.4.1 污水厂高程布置设计原则.19
      4.4.2 高程计算.20
      4.4.3 污水泵房的一般规定.22
    5 工程概算及成本分析23
     5.1 经济分析23
     5.2 工程费用23
      5.2.1 建筑安装工程费用.23
      5.2.2 设备及工器具购置费.25
      5.2.3 工器具和生产家具购置费.25
     5.3 工程建设其他费用计算25
     5.4 预备费用计算25
     5.5 污水厂处理成本26
      5.5.1 能源消耗费.26
      5.5.2 药剂费.26
      5.5.3 工资福利.26
      5.5.4 固定资产基本折旧费.26
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