    硅酸铋是性能良好的基质材料,以其为原料生长的硅酸铋单晶是一种性能优异的闪烁晶体,在核医学以及高能物理等前沿科学领域都有诸多应用。Bi4Si3O12:Er3+具有优异的化学稳定性,有望成为一种主要的发光材料。本文采用了共沉淀法进行制备 BSO粉体,而后烧结到1000℃, 通过控制其降温速度得到 BSO玻璃并且用XRD 检测其是否为玻璃态。在制得玻璃态样品之后,通过测试样品的吸收谱和荧光光谱来测试其发光性能:掺杂铒的量为 1%的硅酸铋玻璃样品的主峰位于 1461nm,次峰位于 982nm 和 786nm。Er3+离子
    BSO 玻璃样品在室温测试时共有 10 个吸收谱带被探测到。分别对应 4I15/2 基态能级到I13/2激发态能级的吸收跃迁。其中跃迁:4I15/2→4G11/2和4I15/2→2H11/2,属于超敏跃迁。4I15/2→4S3/2跃迁与4I15/2→2H11/2跃迁相交叠而难以分辨。BSO玻璃的室温荧光光谱。最强的发射峰位于 1530nm附近,对应于 Er3+离子的 4I13/2→4I15/2能级跃迁。BSO 玻璃以 980 nm 激发的室温上转换荧光光谱。基态的Er3+离子吸收 980 nm泵浦光的能量跃迁至激发态,经一系列的能量变化最终发射出645 ~ 680 nm的红光。21655
    毕业论文关键词:Er:Bi4Si3O12;玻璃 ;共沉淀法; 发光特性;
    As a basic material, BSO has good performance. The BSO crystal is a kind of excellent
    scintillation crystal which is made from BSO powder and it has many applications in nuclear
    medical and high-energy physics. Bi4Si3O12:Er
     has dramatic chemical stability which is been
    expected to become a main light-emitting materials .The BSO was made by  co precipitation
    method and then raise temperature to 1000℃  and The BSO powder will become to BSO
    glasses by controlling the speed of cooling down the temperature . We XRD to make sure it
    are the glasses .Next step we make its luminescence properties clear by testing the absorption
    spectrum and fluorescence spectrum. We find out the sample of 1% Er
      in the glass has its
    absorption peak at 1487nm. And its second peaks at 982nm.when we test the sample at 26 ℃
    there are 10 bands were detected which is corresponding from ground state
    H11/2 belongs to the hypersensitive transition.
    And the
    H is too close to distinguish them. We also test the fluorescence spectra at 26℃ : The strongest emission is near 1530 nm correspond to the
    I15/2 of Er
    .we use laser to excite the BSO to get to temperature fluorescence
    ground state energy absorption transition of 980nm pump light to the excited state.
    A series of energy changing and then it fires 645 ~ 680 nm red light.
    Key Words:Er:Bi4Si3O12; glasses; co precipitation method; characteristics of luminescence
    摘要  ...................................................................................................................................  1
    Abstract:  ................................................................................................................................  1
    1.  文献综述  ..................................................................................................................  4
    1.1.  选题的科学意义和依据  ...................................................................................  4
    1.1.1.  发光材料的历史  ........................................................................................  4
    1.1.2.  上转换发光现象  ........................................................................................  5
    1.2.  Er离子的电子结构及发光特点  ......................................................................  6
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