    毕业论文关键词: Al/Ni纳米复合薄膜;  热电池;  放电;  热源
    This paper describes and discusses a series of experiments in which aluminum-nickel nanofoil materials were used as the heat source for thermal battery.Different numbers and different kinds of Al-Ni nanofoils (80μm and 200μm) was used as the heat source to build 3-cell and several 4-cell thermal batteries prototypes. Then these batteries were discharged at constant current of 530mA and monitored for their electrical performances.Their internal resistance was also determined from calculation.
    The results were carefully compared and thoroughly discussed. And it came to the conclusion that use of nanofoil as a new source of heat in thermal batteries is feasible and advantageous— the rise time of the prototype was 0.24s,the highest voltage was 5.72v and its runtime was 44s,which was satifactory compared to the traditional pressed-pellet thermal batteries.
    Keyword: Al/Ni nano film;  thermal battery;  discharge; heat source
    1  绪论    8
    1.1  国内外研究现状    8
    1.1.1  热电池的国内外研究现状    8
    1.1.2  Al/Ni纳米复合薄膜的国内外研究现状    10
    1.2  研究内容    12
    2  Al/Ni纳米复合薄膜的制备    13
    2.1  实验设备及材料    13
    2.2  镀膜原理    13
    2.3  镀膜工艺    15
    3  TB-Al/Ni制备    17
    3.1  原材料准备    17
    3.1.1  薄膜准备    17
    3.1.2  单体电池准备    20
    3.1.3  集流片准备    20
    3.1.4  盖体准备    21
    3.1.5  壳体准备    22
    3.1.6  引燃纸及缓冲片准备    22
    3.2  组装工艺    23
    4  TB-Al/Ni的放电性能测试    27
    4.1  测试原理    27
    4.2  仪器及测试过程    27
    4.3  实验结果及数据分析    28
    5  结论与展望    32
    5.1  结论    32
    5.2  展望    32
    致  谢    34
    1  绪论
    1.1  国内外研究现状
    1.1.1  热电池的国内外研究现状
    1.1.2  Al/Ni纳米复合薄膜的国内外研究现状
    1.2  研究内容
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