progress pipe furnace heat the raw material to gas .and then lower the temperature at the
distillation tower to get primary product, and primary product flows to machine to deliver oil
and water. and we will get more types of product,and higher quality. This design calculation is
concentrate on Tower diameter and pipe diameter. balance of heat, balance of heat.
The design’s main body is calculate the machine parameter by parameter the book of
chemical of coal tar provide,and correct this parameter by national standard of industry .this
time the pipe furnace and distillation tower steel material choose from the manual of tar
chemical design. The weld between every tower is according to national standard
GB985-67,distillation tower board standard choose from nature standard 5J23-65 , pipe
diameter of the distillation tower choose from manual of pip diameter .the price of the machine
refer to ALIBABA website ,and the layout of the factory refer to the manual of tar chemical
design ,and the parameter of the machine distance is according to national building standard of
fire protection GB50016-2006.the water consumption is calculate by circle usage. The pump
choose accord to pipe out door pressure to choose pump.
Finally, the technical and economic indexes are calculated, the hours of ,working
time, yield, effective working time and staff configuration ,though a series of progress design
solve the technical problems, and though the checking and calculate to prove the process is
though the design a factory that can product one and a half hundred thousand coal tar
process graduate design , I learn a lot of knowledge in book and out of book, from know
nothing of coal tai process to know the whole coal tar process step by step, it make me to build
up independent consideration habit and ability to check the document .the design is based on
reference the actually example and national standard. To design the product that in
accordance with national quality and have actually function. 目录
绪论 1
1 选题的目的与意义 ... 1
2 设计的思路与方法 ... 1
3 论文的结构 ... 1
1.文献综述 ... 2
1.1煤焦油的背景介绍 2
1.2国外煤焦油加工现状 3
1.3 国内煤焦油加工现状 ... 4
1.4 国内外使用的煤焦油加工工艺 ... 5
1.5 我国煤焦油加工出现的问题及改进 ... 5
1.5.1 静态分布结晶法的改进 5
1.5.2 煤焦油馏分塔的工艺改进 5
1.6我国煤焦油加工业中存在的问题及发展方向探讨 6
1.7 加工工艺选择及先进性 ... 6
2.物料,热量,设备整体衡算 ... 7
2.1 设计指标 ... 9
2.2 物料衡算 . 10
2.3焦油的连续蒸馏的主要设备的选择和计算 .. 13
3.3.1设备选择要点 ... 13
2.3.2管式炉的热量,及塔径衡算 ... 15
2.2.3一段蒸发器的热量及塔径衡算 ... 16
2.3.4二段蒸发器的热量及塔径衡算 ... 17
2.3.5蒽塔的热量及塔径衡算 ... 18
2.3.6馏分塔的热量及塔径衡算 ... 21
2.3.7一段轻油冷凝器的热量及塔径衡算 ... 24
2.3.8馏分塔轻油冷凝冷却器的热量及塔径衡算 ... 25
2.3.9 萘油油馏分浸没式冷却器的热量及塔径衡算 .. 27
2.3.10 酚油油馏分浸没式冷却器换热面积衡算 27 2.3.11 洗油油馏分浸没式冷却器换热面积衡算 28
2.3.12 一蒽油油馏分浸没式冷却器换热面积衡算 28
2.3.13 二蒽油油馏分浸没式冷却器换热面积衡算 29
2.3.13 各个贮槽的贮槽量 29
- 上一篇:无机光催化剂对难降解化合物的光催化性研究
- 下一篇:石墨烯复合材料的制备和性能研究