    关键词  霍普金森杆  波形整形器  过载加速度  电雷管  发火时间  火工品 抗高过载能力
    Title  Research on Damage Characteristic of Electric Initiator with Hopkinson Pressure Bar Under High g Environment                   
    The anti-high overload performance of electric detonators is presented by using free and split Hopkinson pressure bar technique. The length, diameter and resistance of detonators were been measured, and X-ray pictures taken. By analyzing experimental data, conclusion are that:
    (1)In the conditions of 100 thousand G acceleration overload and pulse width 60 microseconds, showing that detonator’s anti-axial shocks ability is higher than the anti-radial shocks ability;
    (2)In the conditions of different peak acceleration which are 150,200,230 thousand G and 20 microsecond pulse, the 6th detonator’s size and resistance changing is very small, indicating that the detonator has a good anti-overload ability;
    (3)Each 6th detonator was been assaulted 5 times in the conditions of different peak acceleration which are 150,200,230 thousand G and 20 microsecond pulse, after each assaultion, the detonator’s length and diameter were been measured. Comparing experimental data before and after, we can see that there is a little change between the dates.So detonator has a high anti-overload ability.
    Keywords  Free Hopkinson Pressure Bar  Waveform shaping 
              Acceleration overload     Electric detonator    Ignition time                                           
              Initiator    Overloading-resistibility    
      目   录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  本实验研究的目的及意义    1
    1.2  火工品过载实验研究现状    1
    1.3  霍普金森杆实验国内外研究现状    2
    1.4  本文的研究内容    3
    2  霍普金森压杆过载实验方法    4
    2.1  实验原理    4
    2.1.1  自由式Hopkinson法应力波加载实验    4
    2.1.2  分离式Hopkinson法应力波加载实验    5
    2.2  实验仪器与装置    7
    2.2.1  气动系统    7
    2.2.2  压杆系统    8
    2.2.3  采集及测量系统    8
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