     Preparation of  lanthanum borate dodecyloxy and  friction characteristics
    Abstract :In this experiment, lanthanum borate dodecyloxy was synthesized by boric acid, lanthanum nitrate, sodium hydroxide, butanol, petroleum ether. The optimum reaction conditions are: lanthanum nitrate molar ratio of 1:1.58 borax, the reaction temperature was 125 degrees Celsius. Using the infrared spectrometer product, and in the ring - pieces type friction and wear tester and four ball, determinate of Lanthanum borate dodecyloxy added to base oil and the friction and wear properties after the addition of Lanthanum borate dodecyloxy on these properties were investigated, results showed that when the content of Lanthanum borate dodecyloxy is 1.5%(wt%),wear the best. Determine the largest non-card bite load PB of base oil, adding 1.5%(wt%) of Lanthanum borate dodecyloxy in the base oil and adding the T202's base oil, the results show that the base oil after adding T202,its PB is maximum. Finally, determine the friction chemical about the compound of Lanthanum borate dodecyloxy and T202 and the friction and wear performance impact of these two adding amount of base oil, the results show that when add 1.5%(wt%) of Lanthanum borate dodecyloxy and add 1 %(wt%) of T202 compound, the anti-wear of lubricating oil gains its best effects.
    Keywords: lubricant additives, dodecyloxy lanthanum borate, synthetic, abrasion resistance, Friction characteristics,
    1.绪论    1
    1.1课题目的与意义    1
    1.2硼酸盐润滑油抗磨剂    1
    1.2.1用途    2
    1.2.2特点    2
    1.3硼酸盐添加剂抗磨减压作用机理    5
    1.4硼酸盐添加剂摩擦学性能    6
    1.5硼酸盐添加剂制备    7
    2.实验仪器试剂及方法    8
    2.1四球仪    8
    2.1.1四球仪简介    8
    2.1.2四球仪机理    8
    2.1.3四球仪常规评定指标    9
    2.2红外光谱仪    10
    2.3主要试剂    11
    2.4实验设备    11
    2.5实验装置图    12
    3.十二烷氧基硼酸镧合成    13
    3.1实验目的    13
    3.2实验步骤    13
    3.3实验方法方框图    13
    3.4结果分析与讨论    14
    3.4.1物料配比的影响    14
    3.4.2温度的影响    15
    3.5红外谱征    17
    4.十二烷氧基硼酸镧摩擦特性    18
    4.1结果与讨论    18
    5.结论    23
    致谢    24
    参考文献    25
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