    Analysis of the Fast Food Marketing Strategy                ----Take McDonald's For Example
    Abstract: Since the reform and opening up, China's market economy is developing rapidly, the types of marketing activities is an indispensable factor in promoting the development of market economy. KFC, McDonald's, Pizza Hut and other fast food industry as the representative of the marketing is most representative of the marketing campaign. Marketing is to discover, create and deliver value to meet the needs of certain target market for profit. Marketing is used to explore the unmet needs, measure the size of the target market and profit potential, to provide customers satisfaction with the goods and services to achieve business goals process. Supplies through market segmentation and appropriate for the segmentation of the market to find the most suitable medium enterprises to enter the road most suitable for the development of enterprises. McDonald's officially entered the China market in 1977. Its success is attributed to the unique marketing strategy of McDonald's. Product planning, market positioning, channel construction allows McDonald's enduring and KFC coexist common development, but also its means of marketing. This article focuses on the success of McDonald's marketing strategy and solves measures expected responding to problem,to provide valuable advice for the development and growth of the fast food industry in China.
    Key Words: Fast food industry; marketing strategy; McDonald
    前言    1
    一、快餐行业营销策略相关理论宗述    2
      (一)快餐行业相关概念    2
        1、快餐的定义    2
        2、快餐行业的分类    2
        3、快餐行业的特点    2
      (二)营销策略相关概念    2
        1、营销策略的基本意义    2
        2、营销策略的不同策略组合    2
        3、营销策略的要点    4
      (三)国内外研究现状    5
        1、国外研究现状    5
        2、国内研究现状    6
    二、我国快餐行业营销策略现状及调研分析    7
      (一)我国快餐行业现状    7
        1、快餐行业策略的发展    7
        2、我国快餐行业分析    7
      (二)麦当劳公司营销策略的市场调研和分析    8
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