
    摘要植被覆盖度是一种表征着地表植被覆盖的度量参数,植被覆盖度信息的精确 快速提取,在生态系统、全球变化、水文、温度等各种研究领域中,有着重要作 用和意义,为各种研究领域提供了定量研究所需要的重要且具有基础性的数据。69979

    本文以徐州及其周边地区包括宿迁、新沂、邳州、郯城等地为主要研究区域, 采取 250 米低分辨率的 MODIS 的 NDVI 产品,利用像元二分方法,实现了对该 研究区域的植被覆盖度的遥感估算,再利用较高的 30m 分辨率的 Landsat8 OLI 影像反演得到植被覆盖度结果,对 MODIS 提取结果做出验证与统计分析。验证 过程中首先是通过选取不同的地表覆盖类型如林地、建筑区、农用地等来进行统 计比较,其次,通过目视解译分别从地表异质性较大的区域和异质性较小的区域, 提取相对应的感兴趣点,计算一定搜索区间内的植被覆盖度均值达到统计分析的 目的。研究结果表明,由于尺度效应等因素影响,采用相同方法提取的不同分辨 率的植被覆盖度信息存在差异,且空间异质性越强,差异越明显。

    该论文有图 31 幅,表 11 个,参考文献 23 篇。 

    毕业论文关键词:植被覆盖度 像元二分模型 MODIS Landsat8 OLI 验证

    Research on the Retrieval and Validation of Vegetation Fractional Coverage

    Abstract Vegetation coverage is a characterization of the surface vegetation parameters of measurement. The accurate and rapid extraction of vegetation coverage information is of great importance in the research fields, such as ecosystem, global change, hydrology, temperature and so on. It provides important and basic data for a variety of research fields.

    This paper takes Xuzhou and its surrounding areas, including Suqian, Xinyi, Pizhou, Tancheng and other places as the main research region and take the low resolution (250 meters) of MODIS NDVI products on June 5, 2016 with the method of dimidiate pixel model of normalized difference vegetation index, in order to extract the vegetation coverage. The Vegetation fraction coverage results retrieving from 30 meters resolution Landsat8 OLI image are used to validate and analysis the method of MODIS NDVI products. In the process of verification, we use different types of land cover, such as forest land, construction area, agricultural land and so on. Secondly, through visual interpretation respectively from the surface heterogeneity of larger regional and heterogeneous smaller area, extract corresponding points of interest is calculated the search range of vegetation coverage means to achieve the purpose of statistical analysis. The results of the research in this paper show that, due to the scale effect and other factors, the vegetation coverage information extracted by the same method is different, and the spatial heterogeneity is stronger, the difference is more obvious.

    This paper has 31 figures, 11 tables, 23 references.

    Key   Words:   vegetation   fraction coverage dimidiate   pixel  model MODIS Landsat8 OLI validation

    摘 要 I

    Abstract II

    图清单 IV

    表清单 V

    变量注释表 V

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究进展

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