
    摘要本文采取普遍调查法和随机样地调查法,研究徐州市别墅区绿地中群落树种 的构成、树种的应用频率、植物的丰富度,用 Excel 进行数据统计,比较分析徐 州市不同别墅区间植物种类的选择的差异。结果表明:(1)树种丰富度方面,小 型别墅区>大型别墅区。(2)大型别墅区中:半山别墅>矿大高知公寓>牛山别墅> 泉山森林海>久隆凤凰城,小型别墅区中:桃园别墅>中房园 B 座。同时结合七个 别墅区中物种优势科属和应用频率对徐州地区面积大小不同的别墅区的植物选 择提出建议和意见。69094

    该论文有表 5 个,参考文献 13 篇。

    毕业论文关键词:别墅区 植物种类 徐州

    Investigation and comparative analysis of plant species of seven villas in Xuzhou City

    Abstract This paper investigated community species composition, tree species and the application frequency and plant richness of villas in Xuzhou City, which  adopts general investigation method and random sampling survey method. The villas were pided into two different types according to the areas, which include large and small villas. Using Excel software according to statistics, this paper analyzed the differences of the choice and configuration of plant in different types of villas. The results showed:

    (1) for the richness of species, small area villa > large area villa. (2) in the large area villas: Mid villa > Kochi apartment of CUMT > Cow mountain villa> Quanshan forest sea > Jiulong Phoenix, in small area villas: Taoyuan villa > The B of garden. At last, this paper puts forward some suggestions and opinions about plant selection in different area size of the villas according to the dominant species and application frequency in seven villas.

    This paper has 5 tables, 13 references.

    Key Words: villa area    plant species    villa area





    1 绪论 1

    2 研究区概况 2

    2.1 徐州市自然环境 2

    2.2 调查别墅区概况 2

    3 研究内容和方法 3

    3.1 研究内容 3

    3.2 研究方法 4

    4 结果与分析 4

    4.1 徐州市七个别墅区绿地植物构成 4

    4.2 徐州市七个别墅区绿地植物优势科属分析 5

    4.3 徐州市别墅区绿地植物应用频率分析 6

    4.4 徐州市别墅区绿地中树种丰富度分析 7

    5 结论与建议 7

    5.1 结论 7

    5.2 建议 8

    参考文献 9

    致谢 10

    附表 11


    图序号 图名称 页码

    图 21 七个别墅区分布图 3

    图 41 牛山别墅院落景观景观


    图 42 半山别墅植物景观

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