
    摘要本文选用 MODIS C006 版本的气溶胶产品数据,将其与所选择的具有重要 研究价值的五个地基观测站点(北京、徐州、兰州、香港、太湖)进行适用性分 析,结果表明,MODIS C006 气溶胶产品在北京和徐州的适用性较好,兰州、香 港、太湖的适用性一般。在此基础上分析我国不同地域 2003 年到 2015 年气溶胶 光学厚度的时空特征变化。研究发现,我国气溶胶分布地域差异明显,长江、黄 河中下游平原等发达、人口稠密地区和南部沿海地区是 AOD 大值区,四川盆地、 南疆盆地以及秦岭山脉以北一段狭长区域也因为独特的地形 AOD 值偏高;气溶 胶季节变化也很显著且变化规律不尽相同。长江、黄河中下游地区以及秦岭山脉 以北狭长区域 AOD 值都是夏季最高,分别能达到 1.0 和 0.8;秋冬较低;四川盆 地秋冬季节最高,最大值超过 1.0,夏季最低,只有 0.5 左右;南疆盆地地区则 是春季 AOD 值非常大,部分地区甚至达到 2.0,夏季次之,秋冬季节很低,只 有 0.2 左右;另外,MODIS 10 km 产品的暗目标算法在我国冬季北方大部分区域 反演误差很大,对于高纬度、高海拔的地区几乎没有有效值,算法还有待进一步 改进。69973

    该论文有图 20 幅,表 1 个,参考文献 23 篇。

    毕业论文关键词:MODIS C006 气溶胶光学厚度 时间序列分析 AERONET

    MODIS Aerosol Products Mapping and Analysis

    Abstract The paper adopted aerosol product data of MODIS C006, and analysed the applicability compared with AERONET AOD data. The AERONETincludes Beijing, XuZhou-CUMT, Taihu, SACOL and Hong_Kong_PolyU which have significant value of researches. The result showed that MODIS C006 aerosol products have good applicability in Beijing and Xuzhou, which is superior to the applicability in Lanzhou, Hong Kong and the Taihu Lake. The paper analysed the spatio-temporal variability of AOD from 2003 to 2015 of the different regions in china. The study showed that there is great differences in geographical distribution of the aerosol, the AOD value in the Yangtze, the Yellow River Basin and other developed, densely populated areas and the southern coastal region is large. The AOD value in Sichuan Basin, southern basin and a narrow area in the north of the Qinling Mountains is also high because unique terrain. The seasonal variation of aerosol is also great and different. The AOD value in the three areas above is highest in summer which can reach 1.0 and 0.8 respectively and lower in autumn and winter; but Sichuan Basin is highest in autumn and winter, the maximum value exceeds 1.0 and the lowest in summer; southern basin area is very large in spring which more than 2.0 in some areas, followed by summer, autumn and winter at the end only about 0.2; in addition, dark-objective algorithm of MODIS 10 km products has large inversion error in most north regions in winter, and hardly has RMS in the high-latitude, high altitude areas. The algorithm should be further improved.

    Key   words:   MODIS  C006 aerosol   optical  depth long   temporal  analysis AERONET

    摘要 I

    Abstract II


    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV

    变量注释表 V

    1 引言 1

    1.1 研究背景

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