


    The Present Situation and Countermeasures of MICE Tourism in Suzhou


    Mice tourism, as an important new industry, has gradually become a new impetus to the development of urban economy. At present, all levels of government to the urban development of convention and exhibition tourism more and more attention to, this article through to a lot of literature search, sorting, expounds the basic concept of MICE tourism and related theory research; using the SWOT analysis method to analyze the requirements of the development of MICE tourism in Suzhou, revealing the development of MICE tourism in Suzhou has its necessity and importance, Suzhou as "well-known international convention and exhibition tourism city" development has its feasibility. And for how to locate the target and its development strategy put forward some suggestions, to look forward to the healthy and sustainable development of convention and Exhibition Tourism in Suzhou, so as to achieve to promote local economic growth, social development, industrial structure optimization integration purposes.

    Key Words: exhibition tourism; Suzhou; development

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    一 引言 1

    二 学术回顾 2

    (一)会展旅游的基本理论 2

    (二)国外会展旅游相关研究 2

    (三)国内会展旅游相关研究 2

    三 国内会展旅游的发展现状分析 3

    (一)会展规模、数量持续增加,经济效益日益增长 3

    (二)会展场馆建设开始降温,但仍旧产能过剩 4

    (三)会展市场秩序混乱,管理体系有待健全 5

    (四)会展城市集中性趋势减弱,地域分布较均匀 5

    四 苏州会展旅游的SWOT分析 5

    (一)苏州会展旅游优势条件分析 5

    (二)苏州会展旅游发展的劣势 7

    (三)苏州会展旅游的机遇分析 7

    (四)苏州会展旅游发展的威胁 8

    五 苏州会展旅游发展对策研究 8

    (一)成立会展行业协会,推进行业自律发展 8

    (二)推动会展业与旅游业的产业融合 9


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