

    毕业论文关键词  幸福  居民  收入  影响因素

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  The research of the factors that affect the happiness of Tianjin residents 


    In this paper, the factors that affect the well-being of city residents and The relationship among the various elements and how they affect happiness have been studied. Relevant recommendations are made from the two perspectives, government policies and personal adjustment. The purpose is to analyze how to improve the happiness index of urban residents. This article first defines a meaning of happiness. Several factors that affect the well-being more significant are listed then. How they affect happiness is analyzed one by one. And then the Empirical analysis of Tianjin residents' income and happiness index survey reflect the general satisfaction of the residents with the factors of income and other relevant factors. Due to the dominance of income on happiness, regarding to the other factors, the recommendations which can effectively improve the overall level of happiness of the residents are proposed. 

    Keywords  happiness  resident  income  influencing factors


    目 次

    1  引言 1

    1.1论文研究背景和意义 1

    1.2文献综述 2

    1.2.1国外研究现状 2

    1.2.2国内研究现状 3

    1.2.3研究概况评述 5

    1.3论文研究的主要内容 5

    1.4论文研究方法 6

    2  居民幸福的内涵及其相关影响因素分析 7

    2.1居民幸福的定义 7

    2.2与居民幸福相关的影响因素分析 7

    2.2.1财富因素 7

    2.2.2文化因素 8

    2.2.3性别因素 9

    2.2.4目标因素 9

    2.2.5健康因素 10

    2.2.6人际关系因素 11

    2.2.7婚姻因素 11

    2.2.8人格因素 12

    3   收入对幸福感影响的途径研究及存在的问题研究 13

    3.1收入对幸福感影响的途径 13

    3.1.1幸福与收入关系研究的重要性 13

    3.1.3收入、幸福指数三元链模型关系 15

    3.2天津市居民收入与幸福指数调查情况 17

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