




    毕业论文关键字: 奶粉行业;网络营销;电子商务平台

    Marketing Management of Wyeth Nutrition E-Commerce Platform     

    Abstract:E-commerce is newly-developing big data marketing pattern in recent years. It is a commercial activity centering commodity exchange with information network technology as its tool. 

    The main business of Wyeth Nutrition (China) Co, Ltd is selling infant milk powder, with one third of the market shares. Its product strategies, sales channels, sales modes, and marketing management can always cater for the market demand accurately, from which the other companies in this industry can draw a lesson. Every step taken by Wyeth Nutrition in E-commerce platform marketing has led the mild powder industry to progress.

    The thesis is pided by four parts to analyze the marketing management of Wyeth Nutrition E-commerce platform. The first chapter analyze meaning of this thesis from aspects of research background, research purposes, research meanings, and research methods. The second chapter is the basis of marketing theory. The thesis mainly employs network integrated marketing theory, network relations theory, and big data marketing theory. The third chapter is the analysis of current situations of Wyeth Nutrition E-commerce marketing. It mainly introduces the general situations of Wyeth milk powder, explores its current situations and development trend in the future, and makes a detailed analysis of the advantages, disadvantages, challenges, and chances of Wyeth Nutrition E-commerce marketing. The fourth chapter is the strategy design for Wyeth Nutrition E-commerce marketing. Based on 4P theory, it expounds the advertisement strategy, promotion strategy, channel strategy, and product strategy of Wyeth Nutrition E-commerce marketing.

    This thesis, by employing SWOT analysis and 4P theory, explores the current situations and the future development trend of Wyeth Nutrition marketing management in E-commerce platform. It proposes some marketing strategies that fits Wyeth Nutrition products positioning in accordance with its development trend in B2C and O2O platform. And then the thesis puts forward some marketing strategies about how Wyeth Nutrition, and even the whole milk powder industry conduct selling in E-commerce platform through a series of network marketing methods including new media advertisement, offline promotion strategies, and mommy class, etc.

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